I wouldn't expect changes in numbers of feeds yet but I think my LO feeds less a bit during some feeds now.
No change whatsoever. Still feeding the same amount. He’s definitely more efficient in his feeds now- as Marianne said- he takes much less time to get what he needs.
Every 3 - 3.5 hours he is feeding and feeds are usually under 6 minutes
I think we’re about to get our first teeth so he’s feeding for comfort, 8/9 times in a 24 hour period
Mine is around 12 on average still 🥲 but a lot of it is for comfort I think!
I'm about 3 weeks into weaning and I'd say I've dropped 1 feed, if that, during the day. However we are teething so it's also a comfort thing
Mostly around 12 feeds! Usually less than 10 mins a time plus a formula bottle before bed & sometimes a small one during the day! Honestly i don't think they get much from real food yet
5-7 times over 24 hours including night feeds