induction today!

getting induced today đŸ€žđŸ»absolutely petrified, positive stories please !
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I don’t have any induction stories but I hope it goes well for you mama! Just think of it as 1 step closer to meeting your little baby đŸ„°

I was induced last Thursday with the balloons at 7am, already 1.5cm dilated. The balloons fell out themselves at 11:30pm as I was then 3cm dilated. Contractions started just before the balloons fell out, at 3:02am Friday I was 4cm dilated and my beautiful baby was delivered 4:02am. Only gas and air, 6 minute push and 3.5 hours active labour. I couldn’t have wished for a better birth. Good luck ❀

It all starts to suddenly feel real doesn’t it! Remember you’ve done 9 months of growing a baby, you can do anything now â˜ș keep hydrated and eat little and often to give your body the fuel it needs. You’re in good hands and you’ll smash it don’t worry x

I started my induction yesterday! I've had the propess pessary and due to have to have it removed at 4pm but have had contractions since midnight and had it placed at 4pm yesterday x

My waters broke by themselves around 1am when I was waiting for them to be broken in the induction room! Baby boy was born 7:33 that morning. Keep doing what you can to progress things yourself even when you’re waiting would be my advice. Walking and bouncing did the trick for me! Good luck! X

I had an induction on the 10th with a balloon at 1pm, balloon fell out at 9.30pm then contractions started not long after, my beautiful boy was born on his due date 11th March at 10.14pm, I was pushing for 49mins and had the most loveliest experience ever and would do it all again in a heartbeatđŸ„°you’ve got this it’s all so worth itđŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ©·

I was induced saturday at 3pm, no dilation at all! I began contracting at 5pm the same day, she was here by 5:20am the next day! Good luckđŸ«¶đŸŒ

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