They’re probably not too concerned at the moment because your blood pressure is borderline. Have you measured your BP at home at all?
@Stephanie yeah it fluctuates. Yesterday it was 122/81 and 127/85. Depends what time of day it is as it can be higher x
I wouldn’t want to be medicated if they were my home readings. It will fluctuate through the day. I’m told to take mine twice a day at home, once in the morning and in the evening. The aim is for it to below 135/85 at home. Im on medication and meant to let them know if my home readings start hitting 140/90.
I'd ask them about medication first and just mention you'd rather not induce without trying something less definite first. Sometimes they can't wait to whip baby out before both of you are ready, other times, they're actually right and baby would be best coming sooner. If the meds work then I'd insist to wait it out and monitor your BP every day, if it doesn't work, I'd take the induction.