It’s possibly colic. Let me get you a link
Look up witching hour it usually starts around this age my son was the same only thing that would settle him was putting him in a sling on me it used to be 6pm until 9pm every day but was ok all the other times he stopped doing it after about 2 weeks it’s a developmental leap for them x
My son started around 8/9 weeks lasted 2 weeks and he was back to normal x
@Lydia I have checked temperature but she doesn’t have one as that was my first thought too. I’ve checked her mouth but I don’t think it’s teething either unless early stages as can’t feel anything. The only thing I can think of that I’ve drank different is decaf tea so I’ll stop it for a few days just to see if there is a difference.
@Lauren ah let’s hope it does pass quickly for us too
@Anna the sling was a life saver !! I hope it passes for you x
Sounds like witching hour crying or also known as purple crying my daughter did this and it was traumatic for me but then she stopped
Witching hour .. Also a this age it’s happens that they cry for no raison ..
My daughter went through a similar thing sometime around that age. It's really common and it will pass. Skin to skin helped us
Witching hour! Baby wear, go outside, go look in a mirror, bounce, dance, sing, give a finger or pacifier to suck on
My daughter went through this around the same time but at night, every night for a week on the dot at 8pm. Assuming it was the witching hour, I thought I was going to go crazy! Started giving her an extra ounce of formula and she was fine
I’d asume colic or teething . If it’s teething try giving her a cold celery stick or put a damp washcloth (filtered water ) in the freezer and let her chew on it . Hope this helps💕
No teething no to early
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Might be some colics if she pull the legs and go and stop.
Or she might be really hungry who knows
@Linda not necessarily she could be getting the front bottom ones
Hmm I think it might be the witching hour as it tends to be similar time everyday. She doesn’t pull her legs up. She also can calm down for a bit so I feed her she’ll be all fine and then all of a sudden start again so not hunger either. I’m hoping it will pass quickly 🥹
It might be teething? Or she’s getting sick? Check for a fever by taking her temp. Monitor what you’re eating if she’s breastfeeding maybe upset stomach. Try to see what you’re doing differently