My little one wouldn’t sleep during the day unless we were out on a walk, today she slept an hour in her rocking chair, and two naps on the sofa 3hrs and 2 hrs and the only thing I did different was I had a little heater going and came to a conclusion she was cold before. When she stirred I gently patted her and she went back to sleep. Not saying this is the case for you but may be?
My little one has started fighting his sleep as well. I found that putting a couple fingers covering his eyes will knock him right out during a contact nap. Kind of the baby equivalent to an adults eye mask
We're going through the same. Our little boy is usually really chilled despite not sleeping during the day. He'll have the odd cat nap after a feed but won't carry on sleeping once I put him anywhere else. Will usually sleep in the pram or for a short while in the rocker but that's it. I'm going to try a hot water bottle on where I'm going to put him down to see if that helps and also baby wear so I can get a few bits done. I'll try what Lauren has mentioned as well! It is tough but I just keep trying to think that one day he won't want to sleep on me so making the most of it 🙈 x
This is my second and it's been challenging working him out. There isn't one rule for all babies. But I spent a few days where I planned nothing and worked out that he screams bloody murder when he wants to sleep. I originally thought he was hungry all the time and he was sick alot, clearly over feeding. I have to put him in the carrier and he goes within 10mins. White noise helps if we are somewhere busy as he can't sleep with too much going on. Plus have a 3 year old which didn't help lol. He also has a time of day where he sleeps really well in his cot and then after that it's on me or car seat with white noise. I feel like he's my handbag but it does get easier as I can settle him quicker knowing what he likes even though he spends most of the day on my chest. Also after a bath he sleeps amazing. Lol
My little one didn’t really sleep much during the day until I used a sling and now he sleeps for 2.5-3hours, which is amazing. Could be worth a try!
We have had this today! She has been super fussy, unsettled, power naps of 15 mins, hard to calm down even when she is on me. Feel like we are in for a long night!
I am experiencing this, I went to the doctor today and my daughter has silent reflux! Maybe talk to your HV or doctor 🤔 x
@Rebecca Pearson did they give you anything for it? I’ve been thinking it could be this
@Terri Yeah, they give me gaviscon x
Sounds silly but the temperature can really affect their naps! Make sure it’s warm enough we find 20 degrees baby sleeps like a dream haha and in the evenings when he has a bath he always sleeps better too! But lots of newborns just want to be on us and held jts so normal! It’s frustrating for us but so heart warming to know all they want is us. It won’t last forever so I just try to make the most of it. They can also be more fussy and needy when going through a growth spurt xx
Will she nap longer if you hold her/baby wear? My son couldn’t really do day naps where he was not on me or in a moving pram until after 6 months. It does make it really hard to get anything done