Newborn just doesn't sleep during the day

Does anyone else's baby spend most of the day awake? My 4 week old has started not napping during the day unless we take her out in the car/pram and I'm sure she is tired, overtired even, as she gets sooo cranky every nappy, every feed she screams the house down but just won't sleep even after a big feed. I just don't know what to do. Today since she woke she's had 2 naps, one at 11am for an hour and then 2-5 2 when we went out on a walk and to the supermarket. She's still awake now and not showing any sign of sleepiness. I know every baby is different but this seems really extreme, everything says wake windows at this age are 45-60 minutes!
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Mine is 5 weeks and since last week he’s been the same! We now do loads of tummy time and sensory stuff to knacker his brain out about an hour before we want him to sleep which seems to work, especially before his 10pm feed then he’s so tired and ready for bed and gives us 4 hours before he next wakes up

@Ashleigh Greenhalgh we were doing Tummy time/Sensory during the day before she started this refusing to nap behaviour, I don't get the opportunity to do it now (or anything else for that matter) as she's so cranky I can't even put her down, I spend the majority of the day just feeding her, burping her, trying to settle her crying, change her and then literally repeat nonstop all day unless we leave the house she won't chill. She's currently chill so we're doing some tummy time and Sensory now hoping that she'll get tired and go to sleep soon

Bless you it’s a complete guessing game ain’t it, that happens with us we think he’s good to go put him on the mat and the crying starts…tonight we have found black and white sensory on YouTube..he was transfixed!!! Might be worth a try? We didn’t do it for long I think the video was like 13mins but completely calmed him down then I tried the mat after and that worked too. I didn’t think it would cos he was so worked up then gave himself hiccups bless him.

We’ve been through this on and off but seems a bit better now at 7 weeks however I consciously make an effort now to help her nap if I think she’s been awake a while - usually the carrier is a guarantee so if I’m not having any luck with any other type of nap then I pop her in the carrier and either get on with chores or head out for a walk x

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