
Don’t you hate it when you tell people your child is under speech and language at 23 months and they say well mine speaks in full sentences and swears like good job?👍
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This!! I’m in same boat, my son isn’t saying as many words as some other children and people always mention how their kid could probably recite the dictionary 🫠 I have been advised that if my child doesn’t say two word sentences by the time he turns two then he’ll be referred to speech and language

Yes. My eldest had. Multiple speech issues and the amount of times I've been told I should talk to him more or not give him what he wants to make him speak. Those things never worked. He's almost 8 and attends a specialist speech and language school.

My son is 2.5 next month and says no words at all, they won’t refer him for speech and language therapy until 30 months! But yes, I get this and it’s annoying 😂

@Mama A my wee boy got referred to speech and language at 24 months. He's almost 2 and a half too. And says nothing.

Oh 23 months is so young. I'd tell them to get lost. If it helps anyone. I met my step son when he was nearly 33 months. He'd turned two in the September and I met him in the following late May. When I met him he had barely any language at all. He could say Dada, Muma and Bot Bot. He never got a referral anywhere. He is now 4 and a half and honestly, he does NOT STOP. I swear the other day he only stopped talking when there was food in his mouth or he was sleeping 🫠

How’d you get S&L at 24months loool I practically had to beg my HV to get us an appointment which my son literally had his first appt with them at end of last month his 3yrs old and been asking since he was two. And she was saying S&L won’t seem kids until they’re atleast 3yrs old I had to get nursery to refer us to their Sen person and the Sen person to make a observation and referral as my HV basically took the whole year to gather evidence for a referral But at this point it’s a bit late cause his started talking more even if just single words his starting to pick up a lot of words so I hope by end of year we will have some form of 2word sentences out of him 😂 Honestly the pressure/comments I received about getting him talking tho has been rediculous and horrible only people being positive are his nursery and his great grandma

“I wish we had that problem, mine talks non stop!🤪” Just shut the fuck up. Why would you wish your child was speech delayed? And it doesn’t mean he’s mute, he makes just as much noise as any other kid, just with extra frustration that he can’t communicate his needs/wants

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