Baby not smiling yet :(

My baby boy is 2 months old and doesn’t smile much. I’ve caught a few smirks but not sure if they are social smiles or not… I’ve read that this milestone could take up to 6-13 weeks but I am dying for my baby to start smiling back at us… would love to hear from other mamas whose baby took a little longer to smile.
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My little guy isn’t smiling, well social smiling, on purpose smiling yet. He’s about to be 3 months, but he’s a premie, adjusted age is 6weeks. He will flash a big gummy cute smile, but we.. don’t know how to make it happen. Just will randomly get super talkative and do it.

My daughter smiled between 3-4 months so give it some time

My son smiled around 3 months but he just didn't find me funny. So he'd giggle and smile for my husband and not me. He's almost 3yo and is still the same way. If he doesn't find you funny he's not smiling, even if he loves you.

Here are a couple of things to try out that worked for me: Hold on to a mirror or hold him in front of one and start talking to him (like funny talking and smiling and laughing) making sure he is looking at you and himself on the mirror of course Just stand in front of him and literally be his personal clown and act funny 😄 this one works wonders! Every baby takes their time, enjoy the process and hope you enjoy those smiles as they come 🩵

We had our first at 8 weeks then not really regular until a few weeks after that. Same happened with her laugh. One laugh, then nothing for weeks. I was starting to think I'd dreamt it. She still laughs for other people and NEVER for me. 5 months now. It'll come and when it does, it's worth every second of waiting ❤️

My little one smiled around 3 months (maybe even slightly later) and has been the happiest baby ever since 😍 my favourite thing in the world is watching his face light up when he spots me in a room 😍

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