Speech improvement

What are some games or things that I can do to help my newly 2 year old talk more? Any favorites? Any games you like to play? Give me allll the ideas. Thanks!!
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Tons of books! Different books and asking them where is this and what is this? Search and find books are my daughters favorite right now. I think reading more than the story helps and making fun sounds with them and reading stories in really animated ways - even fun voices help so much!

Songs with directions or movements Some of my son’s favorites are the classics bingo, old McDonald, wheels on the bus, head shoulders knees and toes, and itsy bitsy spider. Then some others I’ve learned from Ms. Rachel are tiny turtle Tim, bubblegum song, ants marching. One of my twins are speech delayed and these have really improved Also being animated when doing the songs or reading books

Hi! Speech therapist here. Sing all day long. Sing directions (ex: put blocks in the bag, in the bag. Put the blocks in the bag, in the bag). Narrate what you are doing by singing (ex: mommy is washing the dishes, the dishes, mommy is washing the dishes so they can be clean). Try not to drill questions like what is this? Where is this? It does not lead to a lot of language growth. It mostly encourages pointing and 1 word answers. Read the same books over and over and once you’ve read them a lot start to pause to see if your child will fill in the missing word/words.

Thats awesome advice @Courtney Im starting slp this Summer. excited to learn

A little song or a poem. Repeat the same one over and over. She will start memorizing it. Also, name everything in a day that you guys are doing or looking at. Change tones.

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