Sleep regression??

Yall im soooo exhausted. For the past 3 nights my daughter has been waking up around 3 AM crying inconsolably. She sleeps in her own bed in our room but sometimes makes her way back to my bed in the middle of the night. Normally when she wakes up and asks to be put in bed with us she doesn’t not cry but I’ll whine a bit to get our attention but the past couple of nights it’s full on crying. Is my girl the only one dealing with wakings, early mornings and refusal to nap or fighting her sleep at bedtime ? 😭😭 idk how im gonna get through this phase last night she went to bed at 2 am and woke up at 6 am ☹️
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We went through a bad sleep regression a month ago and it was only refusing to sleep at all times and crying a lot. She wouldn’t nap at all and it would take at least 2 hours for her to go to sleep at night. It was tough because I also have a newborn. Now we’re finally passed that, we had to take the pacifier away per dentist recommendation and it’s been 2 night of waking up multiple times a night 😭 it’s normal a sleep regression around this time for what I’ve been reading

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