Hey!! So one of my best friends was a SAHM for her son, who was her first kiddo. She had the same concerns about him talking but he just was a late talker and now won't stop 🤣 he's also excelling in school (he's 5 now). Hope that helps a little!
I'd definitely chat with your pediatrician, she did and hers just said all kids are on their own schedule. I hope that's the case!
We are in the same boat
Feeling the exact same way! I've been beating myself up for not talking/reading to my son more often when he was younger but I'm also trying to remind myself that all kids develop at their own pace.
Hey! Me too. I just got him evaluated. If he can at least point. Say mama or dada and another word then they’re right on track! I’m a sahm and he’s with me almost all the time. He had little baby friends, but they don’t talk all that much either sometimes they’ll weirdly growl at each other 😂 I read to him a lot too so I’d don’t worry. I don’t think it would’ve made a huge impact. It’s just a nice routine we got in. Your baby is still learning and fine. Speech is a huge spectrum.
So we’re the opposite in that we read 3-6 books per day with our 16 month old and he only says mama, dada and occasionally says Yay or baba. But he knows like 15 animal sounds 😂 so my point is that no matter how much reading you do, i don’t think it increases the speed they start to talk. Like everyone else here, babies will develop at their own pace.
Hi, feeling the same 😭