My LO is exactly the same last couple of weeks, I think its another regression as he's been abit off throughout the day too and also very clingy. All these different stages are totally normal, I guess their brains are developing so quickly that they are changing all the time.
Aww thank you Ladies, i think its just nice to hear other people are going through the same, yer @Samantha my little girl is clingy with me too. Xx
Split nights are early wakes are usually due to having met their sleep needs within a 24 hour period. Either they're not tired enough to stay asleep so they have a wake period during the night, OR they have refilled their tank by 5am so they don't have enough sleep pressure to keep them asleep. How long ago did you cut her nap down? She may need a few weeks to adjust before things settle
Thank you. Its been about a month now i think. Xx
I have no advice but I'm in exactly the same position with my little boy 🥴