Help !

My 14 month old won’t stop latching on! It’s draining to be his pacifier, how can I get him to stop 😩I feel bad cause I’m his only comfort I could Never get him to like an actual pacifier
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lol gosh yes same boat, it does stop happening eventually lol 😂 they use you as a tool for emotional regulation, completely normal and natural! Can feel overbearing though, sometimes I put my little one in her backpack carrier if I need to do something like cook and we listen to her favourite music xxx

My 15 month old is the same way. Is he teething? Mine is teething and she can’t take the pain so I would carry her to calm her down. Unfortunately, it’s just going to be mind over matter. The only thing that helps me is thinking it’s temporary and once they grow up, I’m going to miss all the cuddles. My daughters didn’t like pacifiers either and I’d like to think it’s actually good because I don’t have to wean them from it later on. I used to get jealous of moms with babies who will take a pacifier but there’s no reason to feel this way because every baby is different. As long as you give them all the love and care you can give, they’ll grow up happy. Your son just loves you and that’s why he wants you all the time.

@Kimberley I hope it eventually stops 😂 he latches on to nap, and so much at night! Several times at night! Sometimes I feel like I get zero rest because of it! 😭 other than that he plays all day!

@Lissy I wouldn’t say he’s teething! He has most of this teeth, he latches on to nap And a lot through the night! I’m also happy he doesn’t like pacifiers cause I have seen that It is hard harder to take them off of it! And yeah, I feel the love when he latches on because I feel like I’m his total comfort but it’s DRAINING!

Put mustard or vinegar on your nipples.

With my daughter, I’d put a timer to time how long we nursed, then I’d decrease it a minute each day. I plan to do the same w my son. But I’m not sure I’m ready to wean yet. I’m ready but indecisive

@Yasmine stopppp I’ve been told To do this! But….. I guess I’m like what’s going to be his comfort after that if it’s not me…. Like how do I get him to find comfort , I’ve tried a plush a toy and nothing. It’s a biter sweet thing I guess !

@Yasmine see I would that! BUT he CRIES til he has it again ! And I give in lol

@Rox I have a three year old which was a boob gremlin too, around 2 she started to just be interested at night :) but it helped when it came to tantrums ! She self weaned at 3 xx

I was just there! I feel for you. My son is 16 months and completely weaned now. If you can leave him with his grandparents for a couple days. Just cold cut. He will learn in a week not to care for it anymore. Nothing worked for me either. I’m 7 months pregnant and high risk right now though so it had to happen. You got this mama

@Kimberley boob gremlin! I needed that laugh! lol

Thanks @Kianna ! I might just need to do that ! Hope you have a healthy baby! I can’t imagine 7 months all over again! You’re strong!

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