Same. My girl is so disturbed lately, I thought maybe a sleep regression but it's not ending ha
I wouldn’t say it’s the norm now , but still is for some people. Does you baby call go sleep independently as if not - it is likely the issue . Teach them to fall asleep alone and waking will most likely stop 🥰
My little girl has never slept through and her sleep has got worse recently, waking every 1-2 hours. I know a few people in the same boat - you are not alone and it’s rough! 🙏🏼
Still waking 4-5 times
Yes, he stirs or cries for a few seconds then back to sleep multiple times a night. It’s got a lot worse recently so I’m putting it down to sleep regression.
We’ve just this week gone cold turkey on milk in the night because he doesn’t need it to see if that reduces the incentive to wake up - I doubt it because he’s had phases of no milk at night before but I’m pregnant again and desperate for some sleep 😂 he’s slept through a handful of times in his 2 years but normally up at least twice a night
We’re up 4+ times. It’s definitely not super unusual, but in my opinion it’s worth doing this questionnaire as a guide to see if anything flags!
You may have already tried this, but if ours wakes up, we can shush her/ tell her to go back to sleep through the baby monitor and this works at least half the time (without us needing to get up). (She usually drops like a stone back to her pillow and is immediately back asleep). But she does almost always sleeps through so it might not be the best comparison.
Haha right there with you. My girl is a light sleeper some nights are better than others but she lately she is stirring and waking a lot ugh