Baby carrier - wasted my money on two expensive ones so far

I really need one that I can put by myself. I got ergobaby (the old version) for about £60 from vinted and it doesn’t seem safe to be honest and extremely hard to put on. And I got ‘Babybjorn one’ which I managed to put on, but looks big for my baby. I am considering to buy momcozy which is £40 currently. Anyone with any recommendations for a very easy to use baby carrier? :)
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I have the momcozy one and it doesn’t seem to fit my baby well at all but that just could be me I’m not a fan of it I brought a material baby sling from Amazon £20 pound it’s easy to put on easy to get baby in and out on your own and my son loves it

I highly suggest the UK baby wearing Facebook page. They can help you get a decent fit on the 2 you already own. Be careful with buying Ergobaby off Vinted as they can sometimes be fakes. The momcosy one is decent for the price but not the best out there. I have a Tula FTG and I love it

try a sling library if you have one nearby! i personally love our tula explore xx

I got an infantino one which is OK, ergobaby which doesn't seem comfortable. Best one I've found was £10 from Asda not sure what the brand is though x

I have the Momcozy for my almost 6 month old. Been using it over 2 months and love it. So easy to put on alone

I have a nuby one. It’s easy to put on myself and my little boy seems to like it. I was lucky and got it on offer in Aldi.

Find someone in your area that can help you. You pay £60 in average but will save u money on the long run. Sling library I think is called Also search baby wearing UK on FB. Link below

i have the momcozy one and have had it since birth and personally think it’s great! my son is very happy in in too

I have the Nuby one and the Momcozy one and my LO prefers the Nuby one! It’s also easy to put on by yourself

I have the ergobaby and felt the same at first but I find it so easy after watching a few instruction videos. I think I watched this one I also do the crossover method on my own. May be worth watching some videos and practicing when someone is around to assist before spending money on another one!

I recommend a sling library because different bodies work well with different slings. You don't want to end up wasting anymore money.

Not cheap by any means but I have the artipoppe and it’s incredible, best money ever spent

I have the Najell rise, hated the ergobaby too. Found it didn’t fit me and was so hard to put on. Although the Najell is expensive it’s super easy to put on yourself and really comfy

I bought a tula free to grow for £40 on vinted and I love it. I use the 't shirt' hack to get it on. I do up the back buckle, loosen the straps, slip it over me and baby and then tighten the straps up. It looks intimidating at first but easy once you've done it once! I decided to go for the FTG after reading posts on the baby wearing fb page x

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