Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Show me you first pregnancy test you took!

Here’s mine! - I was only 8DPO 😳


Having an unexpected pregnancy young…

I just want to say, i know how youre feeling! I didnt find out i was pregnant till 24 weeks. I was 19 and I was terrified! I even heavily considered adoption. Here i am a year later, got a job im proud of, still breastfeeding, started playing sports again, finding fulfilment in healthy ways, still as close to my fr...


Announcing pregnancy’s 🩷🩵

When did you announce your pregnancy? Are you not announcing? Is there a right time? Personally myself - I am in my second pregnancy and almost half way now but we announced our first baby early in pregnancy and unfortunately lost our baby so I’m unsure if I even want to announce this time around and my family and...


2nd baby

Think I’m finally ready to say I would like to see myself have another baby! Been literally terrified of getting pregnant again until recently


Anyone having a c-section 17th Jan!

I had my consultant appt today and finally got my date for my c section I'm so excited 😊 it all starting to feel so real and I just want time to pass!


Pregnant again 😳

FTM, almost 9 months postpartum and I just found out I’m pregnant again. We had a really hard time getting pregnant with our 1st so we kind of wanted to try again ASAP because we knew that I was most fertile but we didn’t actually try just random lovey times lol. We are so happy but super shocked at the same time we...


Sad about the end of mat leave…

No point to this post really but just feeling so sad about my son starting nursery next month and his first birthday as well (he was a December baby but arrived early). Cherishing these last 5 weeks together like this before it all changes❤️😭 Anyone else?


Expressing colostrum

37 weeks today and today is my 3rd today of expressing and I’m getting 3-5ml everyday How is everyone else going?


Anyone else nervous about being pregnant again after just giving birth?

I had my second baby June 21st and just tested on Sunday and found out I’m pregnant again 😓 I’m so nervous but excited at the same time. Two under two is definitely gonna be a challenge.


Working out

Hi, I’m 15 weeks and was strength training 2 years prior to getting pregnant so I’ve continued since getting pregnant (albeit less times per week and lower weights than usual)! I’ve noticed a sudden drop in my strength and was wondering if this is normal?! I’m still going 2-3 times per week so wasn’t expecting such ...


20wk scan!

Finally! I don’t have anyone to share this with but found out that our 3rd baby is… A GIRL! I’m so over the moon 🥹 I cried happy tears when hubby opened the envelope. Side note: I correctly guessed 3/3 pregnancies - anyone else correctly guess theirs?


When did you start showing for second pregnancy?

I started showing at 10.5 weeks and idk if that’s excessively early! My first pregnancy I didn’t show until 19-20 weeks


Baby weekend?

I feel like this weekend baby may be here. There is supposed to be a super moon Thursday and I heard there is gonna be a drop in environment pressure. I want my baby to stay longer but okay if he shows up. Any other moms feel like it might happen for them?


STMs how are you handling the emotions of your final solo weeks with your first 😭

It just hit me the other day - I only have 3 more weeks of just me and my first boy. My sweet 4 year old that’s a total mama’s boy. I have to admit, I’ve been pretty clingy and have fallen down the slippery slope of letting him come in to bed with us for a few minutes in the morning to get some snuggles in…I know th...


Mothers Intuition

I’m coming up to full term, but does anyone feel like they are going to pop before their due date or am I just getting impatient? 🤣 Out of pure curiosity, mums who have given birth earlier than your due date, did you have any signs and symptoms leading up to it? Did you have an intuition? Everyone keeps saying…


Is it just me?

I absolutely miss being pregnant. I felt so, so amazing during this spectacular time and I miss it so much! Do I want another so quick? Absolutely not, but I cannot wait to be pregnant again 😂🤍


Marriages after baby

Has anyone noticed how many posts there are on here about marriages falling apart after birth! It was the same with me with us finally being in a batter place after 4 months pp!



Just a random post to check on all y’all mama’s since having your babies back in June (including myself!). I’m personally LOVING every single second I’ve had with my son since him being born. I’m so much in love with him than I ever thought possibly when pregnant. I didn’t know I could love someone so much. ANYWAYS...


Wave of light for baby and pregnancy loss awareness month

Wave of light. Tonight i am lighting a candle for my Angel baby while waiting for my rainbow baby to make her appearance in the next few weeks 🫶🏽👼🏻


Feeling deflated!

38+3 today and at my midwife appointment they have said baby is measuring 40cm so sending me for a growth scan again along with another gestational diabetes and a possible uti, just waiting for results. Baby is happy and strong in there though thank god but I’m so ready to meet little one now.


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