Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
Who's done the same as me? I brought the pram already !! I would buy it sooner rather than later, so I'm so excited for it to come in 3 days' time it shall be here. Best buy ever now just small buys with nappies and clothes as soon as I find out the gender this Tuesday coming up x
So we finally jumpped off the fence and decided to have another one. Had a positive last month. Due May/June next year. Amyone currently in the same/similar boat?
I’m 39 weeks today and have a major fear of Labour , I’m actually terrified! How bad is it ? 😭💁🏻♀️
My baby still isn't engaged and I haven't dropped... I'm due on the 13th Sunday... anyone else not engaged? I'm trying the ball and exercise and sexy time hahaha but no luck 😂 I know baby will come when it's ready but just want to make sure I'm doing all I can hahaha,..
What are your thoughts ? No morning sickness Food aversion = meat during 1st trimester Due date 22nd March 2025
👋🏻 me I’m 2 weeks postpartum and I will admit I’m struggling, just wanted to put it out there that it’s OKAY thing to struggle in the early months & it’s not all Sunshine and rainbows like others say! Some of us have other children to tend too and some of us don’t have support or supportive partners! If you are…
Hormone drip- yes Episiotomy cut - no Epidural spinal- yes Gas & air - yes Induced- yes C- section - yes Knew the sex beforehand - yes Due date - 1st Aug 2024 Birth date -3rd August 2024 Morning sickness- yes Cravings - carvery’s Place of birth- Birmingham Women’s Weight - 7lb 13oz Time- 9:56am Forceps - no How ...
hey mamas🥰 just out of curiosity, how much did you guys gain in the first trimester? 2nd? 3rd? whole pregnancy? i think the doctor’s recommended 25-35 pounds is so dumb😂
Just found out I am pregnant with my 2nd, I am shocked and actually can't believe it happened so fast. Alot of emotion going on here right now, not quite sure how I feel about it this moment in time...part excited/part scared/worried and overwhelmed??! Just need to tell someone and let someone know I am pregnant! Du...
Just wanted to check in with everyone now weve hit/ nearly hit the 3 month mark, it feels like 2 minutes ago that i was welcoming my baby boy into the world, and now he’s a smiling, active little man and im starting to slowly feel a bit more human Is everyone thriving or surviving
Woke up with contractions at 2am, but they stayed 10 minutes apart and kept stopping throughout the day, so I assumed false labor. By 4pm, they were intense and closer together. Made it to hospital at 8:40pm and little girl made her appearance at 10:17pm! It all happened so fast they couldn't get my epidural in time...
Hi! I’m pregnant with my 2nd baby and due May 6. With my first pregnancy, I wasn’t really showing until almost 6 months but this time I swear I look like I’m already 6 months pregnant and I’m only 10 weeks! It’s certainly made keeping this pregnancy discreet until end of first trimester pretty hard. I will say thou...
Had my 37 week check up today and baby boy is engaged at 0 station with my cervix soft and dilated at 1.5 almost 2 cm. I opted for a cervical check since my ob will be out of town next week and she said she hoped he would hold off till she got back but it could be any day, I’ve had increased Braxton Hicks since the ...
Hi guys , anyone else had their partner leave them while having a child and 5 months pregnant, and then talking about selling the house… ughhh who was i with for 7 years! Sorry need to scream 😅
Feeling really jealous of my partner being able to go off and do stuff freely! I have a 15 month old and I'm 20 weeks pregnant so what can I do for fun!?
My surgery is booked for 3 weeks and 4 days time and IM STILL NOT PACKED 😂😂 I'm sure I'll get it sorted soon haha the 3 weeks bit is definitely freaking me out now!
Hey moms, sorry this is a little messy. I had a partner March 30th and that didn’t work out but we had relations. Later my partner now I go back together in April on the 7th. I’m measuring 22 weeks and a day pregnant. I just want to confirm my later partner is the father. I’m due Feb 11th. Any help would be appreci...
How did you know you were ready to have a second? I’m so undecided! But definitely want another one!
Technically we went home yesterday but yall my daughter literally stole my face! I’m excited for this journey. FTM but I know I got this! First struggle is breast feeding and pumping so any pointers anyone has feel free to comment below! For now enjoy a pic of my baby girl!
Hi, my gorgeous boy is 3 weeks old today and I’m so in love with him but I get real pangs of sadness come over me that I’m not pregnant anymore 😢 I really miss feeling him kick and my bump and knowing that was probably my last pregnancy makes me feel very emotional. Has anyone else felt like this? X