Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
Planning a shoot/celebration , need ideas
Happy 6 months to the 3rd July babies ❤️ How is everyone doing ? X
My January 10th 2025 baby decided to meet us early and arrive on the 31-12-24 🩵 Meet baby Reuben 🫶🏻 my heart is so full 🥹
40+1 weeks my sweet boy arrived at 03:20am on 03/01/2025 just waiting on daddy to decide on his name as I cannot pick between 2. 5 hours of labour, didn't get the birth I wanted but just glad it's over with and was a lot more calm this time around than my first
After a horrible 2 day labour, little man arrived via a last minute c-section last night. I’m so in love 💓
Growing too fast
My little one arrived at midday via c section yesterday. Welcome to the world Alice Marie Lucia 💞 She's just fabulous and I can't stop staring at her! Good luck too all the other January mummies to be! Not long to go!!
My 9 day old baby girl, as of this 2nd day of January 2025! We’re so blessed, she’s healthy and after 30 hrs in labor, I birthed her on Christmas Eve! We’re enjoying the days together just caring for her and taking it one day at a time with a sporadic sleep schedule and breastfeeding around the clock. Oh the joys of...
I won’t even lie, I just want to show him off. I’m obsessed with him. My birth story is traumatic and scary. And yes, he was born a month and half early almost. But he’s such a strong little guy & just so perfect in our eyes. First picture is day 1 second is day 5. He’s weighing about 4.5lbs right now, and will take...
My little boy will be 11 weeks soon and we still haven’t had any tears. 🥹 I’ve noticed his eyes get wet once on a really big cry but no rolling down his cheeks tears yet! Anyone else still waiting on those first tears?
Anyone else starting to plan their little ones 1st birthday? Our daughter bday will be combined with our son’s baby shower just bc they will share the same bday and I don’t see people showing up to 2 events a week apart. My thought for a theme was “Splish Splash it’s a double bash! Ellie’s turning 1 and Oliver is al...
Looking for a venue for my 2yo birthday. Ideally in Tamworth or very local. Would need space for a bouncy castle ideally too 🙂
What's everyone thinking of getting their soon to be two year olds for their birthday? With Christmas just been and gone I'm so stuck on what to get my son for his birthday 😣
We are not finding out officially. This is our rainbow baby. 1st photo.. 12 weeks 2nd photo 22 + 4 weeks. I’ve been really unlucky with the best photos.. we have a stubborn little bubba. We haven’t told many people as I’m still scared too. Hopefully I will get there soon Anyone?? 🤣🤦♀️🤞🏻
Hi Mummas, just wondering where you are getting your birthday cakes from for your little one's 1st birthday? I won't attempt baking as it's been a while and will probably go horribly wrong, so want to find a nice simple but tasty one but where's good please? Thank you! X
Whats everyone doing for baby first birthday?
Hi all, To the mums who’s babies have done cake smashes for their birthday, what kind of cake did you use? Did you make it yourself to minimise sugar intake or just buy a supermarket one and let them have the sugar for one day? I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing 🤣 TIA
I can't believe she turned 2 months old yesterday😭 It feels like time is truly flying!! She's getting so big and so active, she smiles and is awake so much now and I remember when all she did was sleep🥲 How old is everyone's babies so far? How are we all doing?
Just kinda hit me that New Year's was our last 'First' holiday - I feel like that's actually harder for me to emotionally process than his actual birthday!
I had my baby today at 1:09am. She weighs 9lbs 9.6oz and is 20.5 inches. I gave birth to her vaginally and had a successful VBAC with her. I'm so happy I got her out. I was feeling like she may never come. She is our beautiful miracle baby. I'm tired and need my rest, but she is beautiful, and I had to share.