Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy.
We had a surprise baby ! Baby is born and in NICU and we still don’t have a boy name decided name. Atlas Ray Breuer Beckham Ray Breuer
Hey mamas! Has anyone ever had one of those ‘women’s wellness’ type of ultrasound scans after having a c-section? I’d love to know if anyone’s had one and thinks they’re worth getting to see how I’ve healed after the surgery and ahead of any future pregnancies x
Has anyone gone for their 6 week checkup yet? Not sure what to expect and I want to be prepared. I gave birth vaginally, no tears, no complications…
I keep getting sharp pains when I’m singing randomly in my belly or when I’m startled, is that my baby reacting to me and moving as it only happens randomly I’m 16 weeks - i dunno what else it could be besides the baby getting bigger etc but I’ve been told it’s my baby moving
Just had my 12 week scan today… and haven’t had any private ones to find out it’s twins! Feeling very overwhelmed they are in separate sacks so the midwife said the safest type but I’m very thrown off! I hope this will pass because I’m currently riddled with anxiety 🥹 x
Is anyone else experiencing this and does anyone know what it is likely to be?
Anyone else feeling baby move in their vagina? - my first baby, it feels so weird 😂
I’m getting worried as my bump is so different to when I was pregnant with my first!
It’s anatomy scan time ladies!! I’m so excited to confirm that we’re having a daughter, I can hardly wait!! My scan is March 7th, at 20w 5d. Our son’s scan showed some scary possibilities (he’s fine tho!) when we had it done so I’m hoping for more positivity for her. And congrats to everyone for being so so close ...
I’m not seeking medical advice, but experienced mom advice and knowledge. I need to know how to focus my mindset….. Have you had a femur or humorous bone measure shorter on an ultrasound? What was the baby outcome post delivery? I think doctors have to watch what they say and I just need to know how to prepare. Bot...
Hey. I had an emergency c section 12 days ago and I still keep getting full numbness in my whole body. Has anyone else had this? I’m so tired of constantly feeling so numb in my arms and legs and belly
I feel like I see a line in person but would like someone else’s opinion
Anyone? Don’t fancy a party and I am uk based
If anyone’s thinking of going for an early scan, here’s your sign to do it 🥹 look at that heartbeat go ♥️
I’m 37 weeks, still no sign of my mucus plug but I’m soo fed up this past week. Just want my baby here & to feel back to myself. I’m exhausted, still at work, and in all honestly I’ve sailed through this whole pregnancy but I’m feeling so tight and uncomfortable I can’t even get up off the couch without my partner h...
Hi! I’m currently 18 weeks pregnant and I don’t think I’ve felt the baby move yet. I’ve got a posterior placenta. The only movements I’ve had is almost like a jabbing pain? Which moves above every couple of hours? The only way to describe it is someone jabbing the inside of me with a small pen or something? Anyon...
Officially hit 30 weeks! Let the countdown begin!! Can’t believe we are here already!!
So in January I had a period that lasted a day (normally I'm anywhere between 4-7 days as I have PCOS) so when I've put in my last period I've used that day which makes me nearly 6 weeks pregnant. However... am I further along? I've booked a private scan for 2 weeks which would make me 8 weeks hypothetically but s...
I’m really excited and nervous to know what my baby would look like (my family has only had Mexican babies). I don’t know if nervous is the right word but I’m just wondering if anyone here has a mixed baby of Mexican and a white baby. 😊 we both have done ancestry.com, I am 88% indigenous and he is 90% Irish!
Hey everyone! I have my first consultant appointment tomorrow, I have endometriosis and am 22+3 weeks, feel like I’m going in completely blind! Does anyone have any experience or advice on what to expect? Thank you so much in advance 🥰