Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Been “not trying” for 4 months now. I’ve never thought I’ve seen a vfl before so it could just be line eyes? I’m around 9dpo I believe and this was not taken with first morning pee (didn’t have a test at the time sadly) I will test again tomorrow with fmp but wanted to see if I was crazy about seeing a line???
Has anyone struggled to get an appointment to register Baby's birth? I keep checking online but it says unable to find an appointment
I chased last week but still haven't heard. Debating whether I should chase again?! Mindful of sounding really impatient/annoying but equally it's been 5 weeks since I put my referral in now...
Has anyone else had a baby that is measuring below average but a bump that is measuring huge? I am being sent for the glucose test. Not sure what to think...
I’m scheduled to have my first midwife appointment and it says that I need to allocate 1.5 hours for this. In this appointment, we will discuss my family healthy history, care plan, birth plan, etc. What helpful questions do you usually ask? This is my first pregnancy so I’m not really sure what to ask and what to...
Does anyone’s partners go with them to midwife appointments? My partner wants to come to my next one with me (31 week) he’s been working when all my other ones have been, but is it normal for the fathers to come too?😂or would the midwife think it was weird?
Is this normal? I am with UCLH and my pregnancy with complications. My doctor said she requested it and they will send a date through the app...is been already 3 weeks and I am still waiting
Hi, I would like to join pregnancy yoga/pirates or similar group in Croydon area. Would be great if anyone has some suggestions 🙂
In my own understanding I should be approx 7-8 weeks pregnant. CW hospital booked the 1st antenatal appointment on January 31st, is it too late? It looks like you all had yours already 😂
Conceived on 30th Dec (I caught ovulation day using ovulation strips) and got a 3+ weeks on clear blue test but technically only 3 weeks today?
The part of the green midwife notes that say ENG for the past appointments have always had face wrote in them but today she has put 115 in that box, does anyone know what this means? I only noticed after reading when I got home. I am 35+3 weeks along.
At what point were people started on Metformin? I had four fasting readings over the target range last week and my midwife said we’ll review next week.. this week I’ve had three over the target range (mostly fasting levels). Fasting target is 5.5, mine have been sitting at 5.6-5.8, some days 4.8ish. Last NHS scan ba...
I’ve just had my GD test and baby is going absolutely crazy in there which isn’t his normal routine. I’m lucky in that I can feel his movements quite a lot but this is not his normal amount! I did ask the midwife and she listened in and didn’t seem worried but it feels so weird. Did anyone else experience this? I’m ...
What appointments should I expect after baby has arrived? I had a c section and my baby is 6 weeks on Saturday. I had a midwife and a health visitor come out at 2 weeks post partum but I haven’t had anything since and I’ve got no appointments booked. My GP said they would be in contact about our 6 week check but I...
How soon did you let your workplace know of pregnancy? I work in a mental health ward in a hospital and due to the type of patients we have In just now I had to inform my charge nurse in case there were any physical incidents. I'm only 4/5 weeks but feel it's just not worth the risk 😭
Just wondering if anyone else has had this and what it means.. I logged into my badger notes this morning, and under my care team, I now have an 'out of area consultant' as well as my midwife. I did go to triage yesterday but wasn't told I would be getting a consultant?
Was anyone else diagnosed with gestational diabetes? This is my second baby and my second time with gestational diabetes. I had my first at 36 W 4 Days because of it. I’m currently 35 W 4 Days. My doctor doesn’t believe I’ll make it to my Feb 14th induction date. Definitely getting nervous as time goes on. Just curi...
Do you guys see a line or am I going insane?
Hi! Is SHEIN maternity safe to wear in pregnancy? I keep reading mixed things
I have seen some posts about ‘badger notes’. How do I set that up? I had a midwife appointment on the 9th of Jan, she didn’t mention anything to me. I also had some blood tests taken etc and have not got the results. Are they on the badger notes? I have tried to contact the midwife cant get through to her.