Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

Having GDM and just feeling really crappy that no one could just tell me a straight answer

I’m 27 weeks pregnant and I have received a text yesterday from the diabetes specialist to ask for my consent to share that I have Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) to my doctors and to download an app before I arrive for my appointment on Thursday but I haven’t been told anything other than go to the hospital to ...



I feel like I see something but not sure


Do I have line eyes? Or could this be the start of something?

I swear I can always see lines when there's clearly not sometimes 🫣 Can you ladies help a gal out? Are my eyes at it again? Baby Dust to all ✨️❤️


Line eyes??

I’m only 9dpo but I feel like I see a very faint like. I can see it better in person



Has anyone ordered from Ergobaby site? I’ve literally heard nothing since putting order through 2 weeks ago and even when I sent them an email I’ve received no response.


Perinatal care issue

Hey guys , I had my assessment with my perinatal team past week and had done it all. The person who came by was making me aware that I should expect an email or phone call either Wednesday or Friday. It's Friday and I haven't heard much from the team so I haven't got a clue what's going on might ring ne on Monday...


Pregnant, looking for midwife

Hi everyone, I just found out I am pregnant, and I am wondering if anyone used a midwife service, and how you were able to get a midwife. I have applied to several agencies with one outright rejecting me and another one put me on a wait list, no replies from the other ones yet. What are my chances of getting a midwi...


6-7 weeks pregnant

This is the result of my first hcg level test. I get the results from my second one tomorrow. Trying to confirm I didn’t have a miscarriage. My doctor was worried I miscarried at 5 weeks (based off an ultrasound) but now we’re thinking the dates were off. I’d be 6-7 weeks now. Does 22,842 sound promising? Trying to ...


3.5dp6dt and I am shocked

I am a serial tester and I took a test last night and a second line showed up instantly and yea I am crazy for testing so early but I just had a feeling. What do you think!



How quickly does the midwife get in contact with you?


Opinions please

I am 11dpo today Took the clear blue 6 days early test and got this line not sure Took 2 cheap red dye tests after Line eyes please Will add pics to comments



I’ve only had one midwife appointment so far, I’ve got another next week but I don’t have her number or what her name is? Is this normal?


I am done 37+6 weeks

Not looking for anything in particular I'm just frustrated and need to vent. I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night in nearly a month, everything hurts, I can barely function and I am aware I am being a complete a**hole to everyone who has to deal with me right now. I had my last midwife appointment today and...


CB 2-3

So according to my calculations I'm 5w3d but CB still shows the 2-3 weeks is this normal or should I get concerned?


3 under 3

So I've found out I am pregnant and have my dating scan today! All I know is I'm gonna have 3 under 3. Does anyone else have 3 under 3 or similar? If so, how do you find it on a day to day basis?


Line eyes help?

Can anyone see a line???



Hey, just wondering if anyone has some advice? I am 34 weeks tomorrow and wondering when is too late to pick your hospital to give birth at. When I was at my booking appointment I got told to think about what hospital Id like to give birth in and they would ask me at the next appointment to ask. They never did, I ...


Drop in chart

Im assuming nothing to worry about as midwife wasn’t too concerned but just want to know if anyone else has had a similar drop in percentile?


Things to do with your baby during mat leave

Hello, If anyone has any suggestions for activities/things to do during mat leave pop your suggestions below. I have seen that cinemas do baby club screenings and there are some mum and baby yoga classes. Maybe we can get a nice list going. Thanks


Line eyes.

I feel like I see a person but in the photo it looks negitive. I'm 9po. My 1st pregnancy I tested postive at 10pod 2nd pregnancy I tested postive at 9dpo. Do you think I am out?


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