Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
My friends say they see a line on both test I'm just blind I think 😂 thoughts
11wks+1d early but just thought to see
I know everyone’s different but is this considered dark for 13DPO? I’ve neverrr had one this dark before and with my last pregnancy at 13DPO the line wasn’t even half as dark as this one❤️
Do you see a faint line or am I just crazy?
I am starting to dress shop for my friend’s June 2025 wedding and I wanted to get some guidance on what size I should buy. Can I expect to be back in my pre-pregnancy size (M) if my due date is 2/28 and the wedding is in late June? Just for some context, I have exercised throughout my whole pregnancy and now, at...
Apparently confiding in my mom with my medical information and pregnancy complications means to tell the entire fucking world even when I asked for it to not be shared. Welp looks like next update she gets is when I’m in labor.
Hey ladies just wondering what happens and midwife booking appointment x
Think I can see something I’m only 7dpo tho so it’s only a slight shadow
I’m not sure if I can see something? Only 7dpo so know it wouldn’t be strong. My one earlier was stark white but something catching my eye
Have put the one out of time frame (1hr later) in comments- it got much darker. Horrendous cramping today too. I know the second one technically isn’t valid but is this likely to be a really early positive instead of an evap?
I’m due AF tomorrow i took a CB it had a super duper faint shadow, my friend told me to take LH strip and it’s rising. Im new to ttc and im lost what does it mean? Pic in comments
I’ve tried to hold off testing but I caved today. I think I can see a vfl at 12dpo. It this normal? Tic post miscarriage in August so 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Do you see it too?? 🤞🏻🤞🏻
and EBF. Baby has two to three meals a day but BF every 1.5hrs. BF keeps weight on me like crazy. Any diets or suggestions??
What do you guys think? I’ve been looking at tests all day and I’m hoping this is real.
Hi currently 2nd trimester. Can anyone recommend a YouTube channel or similar where I can find home workouts that are low impact/ pregnancy friendly? Thank you!
So, my hubby and I had originally planned on starting to try for baby #2 some time this winter. Except now, I'm honestly kind of scared. I'm a type 1 diabetic, in my late 30s, so I'm already high risk. I just keep worrying about if, God forbid, I experience complications, will I get the medical care I need? Anyone e...
What do you think? Evap or not? 😊
I dunno if it’s a dodgy batch going on or something but I’ve just got this after 10 mins - def invalid as I’m only 6dpo (just wanted to test)🤣
10 DPO - This is not using first wee of the day but it is an ultra early test. What do you think, we don’t know if we see it or we both have mad lines eyes ! 👀