Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Went for a gender scan yesterday and it’s confirmed we are having a baby boy which is what I thought💙🩵 can’t believe I was right and can’t wait to start buying boy clothes 😂💙
I’m really nervous incase they scan and something is wrong. I already miscarried right before this pregnancy without any period inbetween. I’m so anxious as well as excited to go to it with my fiancee. Feels like waited so long but I also don’t think I’m showing yet. I’ve had constant sickness and nausea so had to g...
Had a medium have ago at me for asking if my ex and I will be getting back together in March because I had another medium say that and wanted a to see if it could be confirmed since she was just doing yes or no answers with tarot cards.. could have just say she couldn’t answer the question
We had our gender scan yesterday, and they’ve said girl. Just want to double check before I start buying 🤣ft my anterior placenta 🙃
I had a 16w scan but only noticed this when I looked back on my pictures but what is this? Where I circled in the white why does it look like a really short leg? Where I circled in the blue could be the legs?? I’m sure this isn’t the case they would have picked this up right? We don’t want to know the gender so tol...
Do they give appointments after 3 ? I mean scans, first appointment with midwife.. I feel weird asking for offs. Would prefer if it's after work. thanks so much.
This was our scan at 12+5 back in December. We are keeping it a surprise, but interested to know what people suspect
First ultrasound at 10 weeks any gueeses ?? 🩵💜
Okay mamas, this was my 10 week ultrasound (a couple days ago). Any predictions on gender? We have a 9 month old daughter and we’re hoping for a baby boy this time!
Super early scan around 11 weeks just very eagerly waiting.. any guesses 🤭
My OB is at Cedars and I’m delivering there. I’d love to ask a few questions about the anatomy scan. My last visit with my OB was 16w and I’m not actually meeting with my regular OB at 20w and then meeting with them at 24w. I’m only meeting with the doctor at the MFM clinic for the anatomy scan so wanted to ask a fe...
Any thoughts on gender? Scan was 13w2d and I'm finding out tomorrow but curious for thoughts 🤍
How accurate were your weight estimates? I've had growth scans every few weeks since 20 weeks and mine is expected to be 6lbs4oz. Just curious what your estimates were vs outcome?
ITS A GIRL! After 2 little boys, we have a daughter 😍🩷 17+3 today and we had our private gender scan
Went for a gender scan today and it’s confirmed we are having a baby boy which is what I thought💙🩵
I have an anterior placenta aswell not sure if that makes a difference :)
Hey girls! I’ve got my first midwife appointment and the 12 week scan booked yesterday 🤰🏼🤰🏼 I was wondering for baby #2 the midwife appointment can be even longer then with your first appointment with baby #1? Is anyone in the known roughly how long that might take?
Hi ladies, I’m having an early scan next weekend and Ill be 7w 6d according to my calculations! The place i’m going to only does external scans, will I still be able to see and hear a heartbeat and see baby? X
I have my 12 week scan coming up in the next few days and I am so nervous! I am not sure why as I had a scan when I was at 10 + 1 and everything was fine with baby. This is my first pregnancy and I keep seeing posts about miscarriage or missed miscarriages and one of my friends who was pregnant with me also had a ...
I was diagnosed with a marginal placenta previa at 23 weeks and went back for another abdominal ultrasound yesterday at 27 weeks. They found a hematoma on my placenta and sent me to labor and delivery for steroid shots. I’ll be going back today for the second round of shots and another ultrasound to check if the hem...