Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Mastitis in pregnancy - no expression

Hiiii ladies so I have all the classic mastitis signs and symptoms, minus a fever. Went to my OB today and saw a midwife. (I genuinely love and trust all of the providers) but now I’m on antibiotics for mastitis - 4 pills a day for 7 days 🫠🥹 My question is: Has anyone else ever gotten mastitis during pregnancy…



6weeks + 4 and been experiencing sickness feeling every day, it will start about 8pm and last until 1/2pm the following afternoon! Has anyone else experienced similar? It’s starting to become obvious to those around me and at work but I’m not ready to share the news that I’m expecting yet. I put it down to being ti...



Anyone else just crazy overwhelmed with everything? Feel like everything’s gone wrong. I feel like I’m being compared to everyone else already let alone how they coped with recovery and visitors and how I’m being expected to cope with it. I just I’m already crazy uncomfortable and scared about my c section and with ...


How different were your little ones' movements like in utero?

I'm almost 34 weeks with my second. I've struggled with discerning a pattern. My first was kicking a lot, twisting and turning right up to 40 weeks. My second only turns and stretches. She will kick like 5/6 times in a row out of nowhere every few weeks but that's it. I'm lucky if I get even 5 kicks a day. I unde...


Oyster 3

Hi does anyone have the oyster 3? Does your little one still sit in it comfortably or is it getting abit snug. Thanks


Pain above left hip - comes and goes ?

I’m just over 11 weeks and the last two days I’ve been getting a really uncomfortable spasm type crampy pain in my left side. Even wakes me up at night, anyone know what this could be? I haven’t had any cramps all trimester so this is unusual for me. It’s kinda where my kidney would be I guess and the pain radiate...


Reduced movements

Should I be concerned for baby girls movements. I have felt her move around twice today whilst being in the bath but other than that nothing, same with yesterday only 1-2 movements all day. Should I be worried ? Of call triage I don’t want to bother them if it’s nothing. I know towards end of pregnancy they slow dow...



Im 8 weeks tomorrow, and for the last 3 weeks I've just had a headache from the moment I get up until I go to bed. Is anyone else experiencing this?



I’m about 4 weeks pregnant but have a flu so I’m constant coughing and when I cough I can feel like a pain/pressure in my lower belly more to the left side is this normal?


Does anybody else feel nauseous one day and then ok the next?

And so and so forth? as much as it’s a relief I get nervous when the symptoms subside! X


Contractions help!

I’ve been in early labour since around 10am and contractions are now 7mins apart. Hospital say not to come in until they are 4-5mins apart but I’m in so much pain with each contraction. What at home pain relief can I do?



I’m getting sharp pains in my lower stomach I’m 6 weeks on Saturday is this normal ?


Heavy pelvis.

Who else feels like they have a bag of cement weighting their pelvis down? 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m 37+2 and I do wonder if she will come early. She seems to be nestled in the exit area.


When did you first feel your baby moving?

I’m 16 weeks now, wondering when everyone first felt their baby move☺️ I know it’s between 16-24 weeks x



My LG is almost 6 months old and is excellent at rolling from her back to front, but only on her left side, so I often put her on her back on her mat when I go to the loo and come back to her squealing because she's on her front, she now does this during nappy changes too... which makes it more fun, lol. I'm just w...


Firm and heavy Tummy

I’m 31 weeks today and all of a sudden my tummy feels sooo heavy and just tight/hard has anyone else got these feelings? Also pains inbetween my thighs at the top think it must be the weight?



Hi all, my LO has just turned 6 months and is perfectly healthy and doing really well. I’ve felt pretty good postpartum, until the last week. Is it my hormones and is anybody else just feeling a little bit anxious and overwhelmed all of a sudden? Or am I going completely mad?!



Does anyone else become instantly nauseous when they drink any type/volume of fluids? And do you have any tips? From a dehydrated girly xoxo



Has anyone else really suffered for about 2 months straight and then suddenly had like a week of no nausea/sickness and it come back with a vengeance at 16 weeks? 🥲 getting so fed up and feeling like it’s not going to ease up at all!


Suddenly developing nausea at 11 weeks

Not really looking for any advice, just WTF! Constantly have that saliva in my mouth feeling you get just before you vomit. Can’t really stomach any food past lunch time. Really struggling to eat anything of any nutritional value. 😖😬😢


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