Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Throwing food

My child is gonna be a year in January does anyone else’s child just constantly throw there food on the floor?… I’ve been to baby groups and have seen children younger than him that actually hold their food and eat it. Majority of the time I now how to feed him finger foods otherwise it won’t get eaten.


Fussy eater

My LG is 10.5 months and is such a fussy eater! We are nowhere near getting her to three full meals per day, let alone snacks! She literally has a few bites or spoon fulls and the. Is done, and the rest gets chocked over the side! This has been going on for almost a month now! She’s EBF still, still has no teeth thr...


Tea at nursery

Does your baby get tea at nursery? And do you still serve them dinner if they do? Ours have tea at 3.30


Cereal for toddlers

What cereals do people offer their toddlers? My little boy used to love porridge and weatobix but is preferring foods he can feed himself at the moment. He loves cheeros, but not sure what others to try that arnt chocolate flavour (he absolutely loves chocolate but don’t want him to get into a habit of having this ...


Baby weaning-HELP!

We started weaning a couple of weeks ago but we’re not making any progress. Baby gags and throws up everything. We’ve tried pouches, steaming fresh veg and BLW. He refuses to open mouth and if I manage to get a bit in he gags and spits up. With toast etc, he retches and physically brings up sick. Any advice? We star...


Highchair nightmare!

For those of you whose little ones hate the highchair what do you do? She literally will not stay in it 2 minutes to eat! I end up letting her out and putting her plate of food down on the floor in the living room and she plays and comes back and forth to pick at her dinner/lunch. Sometimes walking around eating. Bu...


Baby not eating

Baby had 8 teeth by 7 months so weaning did not go smoothly and he spent majority of 6 months refusing food. Around 2 weeks ago he decided he wanted to eat so we were giving 3 meals and snacks. I thought “finally!” But now he’s back to refusing food from me (will probably eat with others) and only wants breast milk....


Fussy foodie!

My 19/mo little boy has suddenly become really fussy at mealtimes. All the things he loved to eat are being thrown on the floor. Breakfast time is the hardest, we’ve tried boiled egg, omelette, fruit, pancake, toast, cereal, porridge, muffin, crumpet, ham & cheese. I’m losing the will to live 🙈 even tried giving…


Baby's diet - Salt/Sugar

Is your 17 mo getting either of these added to their foods?



how much is ur little one feeding?


Changed appetite

Hello, I’m kinda looking for some advice/ suggestions. My daughter has had an extreme change in appetite within the last few weeks.. she’ll snack throughout the day but meals she doesn’t budge much. I found out I’m expecting again around the time it started happening. Just curious if anyone has had this experience w...



Is anyone else absolutely petrified of weaning? My little boy is showing all the signs so we’re going to start weaning; he’s tried purées and I never know how much to give him at the moment it’s just half a pouch every other day as “first tastes”. I’m scared to start anything he needs to chew in case he chokes but I...


Am I wrong to be fuming?

My boy is 6 months, recent cleared by peds to start purées and he’s a big hungry boy, so I have been making some of my own stuff blended up and doing some “Ella’s kitchen” as it’s all natural ingredience. Now since a certain family member found this out it’s like a rush to get baby to try everything, I said no to a ...


Failing our weaning journey

I just feel so disappointed with myself and how our weaning journey is going. I had such high hopes but here we are at 9+ months and my baby doesn’t eat anything. Literally not a single thing. I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m also terrified of introducing the allergens which is giving me so much anxiety a...


Pedietrician wrong ?

She said my daughter cannot have solid food until she’s a year old because before that babies can choke ? My daughter almost 9 months So only purée allowed ? And even then not the ones with little chunks in it 😵‍💫 im not sure what to think as so many many people I know have started solids before 1 year old



As irs Christmas and we are travelling I've used a few of the Ella's kitchen single ingredient pouches. My baby seems to like them far better than anything else I give her or have given her 😭 is it the texture or the taste? The ingredient list just says the vegetable + water so surely it isn't much sweeter than…


Food throwing and eating food off the floor

My 23 month old was baby led weaned and has always thrown his food on the floor but lately he throws it on the floor and also eats it off of the floor he refuses to sit and eat in his high chair and will climb out even when strapped in, is this normal behaviour? My parents tell me it is my fault because I trained hi...


how are you feeding you baby? pls help x

im currently on purees. how do some people give pieces? does baby not joke? im really worried no idea how to start. ideas please or photos?


Breastfeeding & Weaning

Is anyone else still breastfeeding and finds little one prefers boob to food? My little one usually ate well, but he’s been poorly with colds on and off, flu & HFM since November. He’s definitely lost his appetite throughout. He’s seemed to get better this past week however does not want to eat. Today he’s ate a b...


BLW dinner 😋

A lot of people keep asking about how to do blw and what sort of meals my baby has, so here's what she had today... wheatabix for breakfast. I made up 1/3rd wheatabix with some milk and she had about 2 spoons worth! Lunch was 2 raspberries, 2 blueberries a bread stick and 2 melty puffs, but she actually just stole ...


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