Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Is your kiddo eating meat?

Our son doesn’t eat a ton of meat. He gets his protein from mainly dairy. Today after eating a Christmas cookie I noticed his eczema flare which makes me think it’s a gluten thing and he mainly consumes like grilled cheeses, quesadillas, pasta, etc. my guess is because a cookie isn’t baked very well it caused a fl...


BLW weetabix balls

Crushed weetabix, natural yoghurt, raspberries and peanut butter!! Works with banana, fruit purée too :) Game changer for self feeding weetabix at breakfast 🍴


Breakfast options?

What’s everyone offering for breakfast for their preschoolers now? If it is porridge - which type or brand is it? Still don’t feel too keen on cereal for breakfast atm but need more ideas.


Hot food

OK this is such a stupid question but how do you all test the temperature of food before giving it to LO? I thought to pop a bit on spoon and touch to my lip and then wipe it away because I have a texture thing and can't handle actually getting some of babes food in my mouth but I'm worried I'm going to put baby of...


6months weaning and no interest

My 6 month old isn’t interested in food is this normal? Iv tried for the past 3 weeks and he just doesn’t seem to like when the food is actually in his mouth. He hasn’t worked out he just needs to swallow it. He watches when I have food so thought he must be ready but doesn’t seem th take to it. Iv been trying purée...



My bby just turned 8 months and doesn’t seem interested in solids to much. Here n there he would take a spoon of food. I would put things on his plate n just let him explore type. But an actual spoon fed he doesn’t seem interested. Any thoughts/advice


2 year old throwing food

I really hope this is just a phase but if my daughter doesn't want what we've made her to eat for a meal, even though I asked and she nodded thats what she wanted, she will throw it all on the floor. Do any other mama's have this issue?


Evening meals for 1 year olds

What sort of meals are you giving your one year olds?


Meal times/schedules??

Hi all! My 16 month old is not the best eater, but she loves milk. We think she’s filling up on milk and not super hungry for real food. We’re thinking of switching up her schedule to make mealtimes prior to her milk times and want some input on what others are doing. Her current schedule: -Wake up 6:45am ~ given ...


Food on the floor 😭

My son is 1 and he won’t let me feed him, he prefers to feed himself but he also throws most of his food on the floor? Anyone else? Any advice pls x



When did you guys first give your children sandwiches?



Sorry if this is a silly question when weaning baby led, I’m doing puree carrot today and finger sized slices do i feed her with the spoon the puree or do i let her try herself


UK 🇬🇧 Premade veggie fingers / croquettes

Has anyone found any like premade vegetable fingers or croquettes in the supermarkets? Added a pic for reference. I've seen a few but all seem to be fairly high in salt


To give another pancake or to not give another pancake?

My son’s (3) pancake broke in half. Shock horror (anyone with a toddler will understand how much they hate broken food 🤦‍♀️) be had a fit. I explained that the pancake will take exactly the same and now he has 2 (sometimes works) but nooo he wanted another. No I’m not wasting food like that, he throws pancake on…


Baby led weaning

I’m a little confused by it all, with my first I done baby porridge then purée etc before starting on mashed then finger foods, but this time I’d like to do more baby led weaning- but I have no idea where to start 🙈 How do you give the first things? Do I still give purée first etc? Any advice would be welcome.…


Breakfast/lunch/dinner ideas help!

I’m running out of food ideas 😭😭 my baby seems to only eat yogurt and berries why won’t she really eat anything else please help 😭



When your baby started purées, how much did you give them a day? I have let my baby taste everyday but how much is he allowed to have when just starting?


Feeding schedule for 8 month old

Hi yall, I’m not sure if I’m feeding enough solids to my 8 month old. I still do pureed food. I give big meal once a day and he drinks 7-8 oz every 2 hours that’s 5 feeds of milk. He only drinks juices. Should I start more food solids. I tried transitioning to 2 solids instead of one and he’s little stomach couldn’t...


Breakfast inspo needed for 7 months old

What are your babies favorite dishes in the morning? So far my son hates porridge but like avocado banana mash with yoghurt


Day in the life of a 9 month old eater

Can you guys please give me your day to day schedule on when you feed your LO and what you feed them? I have twins, I’m behind on solids. I’m stressing. We’ve done blended fruits and oatmeal but honestly the prep on top of the holidays is overwhelming. HELP!😩


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