Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Paediatric doctor advice

My daughter has had some trouble gaining weight but recently gained some weight. I have had success as I managed to reduce breastfeeding and as a result her appetite had increased. She still wakes at night to feed and I have tried my hardest to stop this but not had any luck yet. I am not willing to sleep train as I...


Food obsessed

My little girl is absolutely food obsessed and it’s getting embarrassing. She is so greedy. She won’t do anything if she knows there’s food about. It was recently her birthday party and she refused to play because there was food there. She just hung around in the kitchen trying to steal food. We make her healthy mea...


Weaning equipment

Hi all, stocking up on weaning things ready to start after Christmas. I've heard Nuby is good so been looking at their stuff, open to other recommendations Just checking things that are good to get. Have a highchair already So I think I'll need: Plates bowlss first spoons and forks Would a sippy cup or a nonspil...


Baby won't eat dinner

She's brilliant with breakfast and lunch but dinner time she refuses anything. Sometimes she will have a pouch or a round microwave baby meal but in terms of solids, she's starting to refuse. This has only been happening the last week or so. Shes on 2x 7oz bottles a day & drinks plenty of water throughout the day. ...


Picky eater!

My 14 month old little boy has never been the best eater but he used to eat most things or at least try, now I’m finding that even when it’s something I know he likes he’ll refuse it and only eat snacks like biscuits & crisps which I give out of desperation when he hasn’t eaten anything. I also sometimes give pouche...


13 month old throws up after tasting chicken

So we buy those premade meal things for our little guy because it’s easy when we are exhausted at the end of the day. He loves most of them (red sauce, pasta, ground beef, veggies). However when we try the ones with chicken he throws up immediately. Is this just because the taste is so strong and he doesn’t like it ...


Puree meals

At the beginning of weaning my 7 month old loved her pureed food , all of a sudden the past two days shes been gagging and not wanting anymore than one spoonful not interested at all…. even though it’s new things i’ve tried she’s just not interested like she was before . Why is this? Thanks!


Anyone’s toddler refusing to eat?

All he wants to eat is cucumber. I have tried offering loads of different foods and he’s just refusing to eat. He was such a good eater I don’t know what’s happened 😩


Tips/advice on weaning please!!

I feel so so lost with the whole weaning process 😥 I feel like we’re not doing enough for our little one. I have made my own purées on different veggies and he does enjoy! However twice now he has projectile vomited after his last bottle of milk. Bare in mind we’re only giving small tasteful amounts of veggies just…


Feeding a food critic 😂🥴

Anyone else feel so defeated when feeding your baby? My little one is like a critic for a Michelin star restaurant. Safe to say I feel like im always getting 0 stars but the dog is loving life. So much so the vet said shes put on 2lbs cos it all ends up on the floor. 😂 I dont even cook this well for myself. Anyone…


Fussy Eater

Any tips on how to get my 10 month old son to eat/try more than just Greek yoghurt and fruit? He won’t even put any other food to his mouth to try and just bats away the spoon or throws it straight on the floor 🤯


Weaning (8 months)

Is anyone else’s baby just absolutely unbothered by food? I’ve been trying for 2 months but she just isn’t interested. I’ve tried BLW and also spoon feeding. She shows interest when we’re eating but just doesn’t want to eat anything herself. Everything else goes in her mouth except for food though 🙄🤣. I know food…


Nearly 7 month old feeding a lot and feeding to sleep

In around a week my little boy will be 7 months, he seems to be still feeding quite frequently and it seems like it’s too much, I know the health visitor says just feed when they want and follow his lead but it just seems like a lot for him to be taking in. We are slowly weaning but we’ve had some difficulties so he...


Self feeding with hands

We started weaning our now 7 month old when he was 6 months by doing a combination of spoon feeding and offering finger foods and preloaded spoons. He took on really well to accepting preloaded spoons and feeding himself but wouldn’t touch any food with his hands if placed on his plate or tray. I would really lo...


Lunch ideas

Can I please have some lunch inspiration? My little boy won’t eat anything for lunch apart from baked beans 🤦🏻‍♀️😂



My little boy is nearly 6 months old but I have no idea where to start with weaning! 🙈 Can I cook a normal meal and blend it up for him? Or do I have to use the baby foods? HELP


Food for 8mo baby

Hey loves so by baby is obviously teething yet no teeth. We have to stick to purees for now and baby cereals since he technically didn't learn how to eat on his own until he was 5weeks old. That's when he was discharged from the NICU. Any led weaning advice and/or recipes. He can sit upright with support.


Health/ Feeding

I’m reading lots of posts about people feeding babies adult crips and biscuits etc. No judgement at all as I imagine these are habits formed through a generational lack of understanding and education on healthy eating but baby’s little bodies (kidneys specifically) cannot tolerate the amount of salt in these sort of...


Baby feeding herself.

My baby is 8 months old. She has always refused a dummy and teethers and therefore doesn’t put food in her mouth. She has just started letting me spoon feed her but when I give her finger food or a spoon she just throws it on the floor as she’s not used to putting anything in her mouth herself. I’m getting worried a...



So I’m hoping to give me little one egg for the first time today🫣 what’s the best way to give it to him? Obviously it’s an allergy so want to do it the safest but fun way


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