Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.
My toddler (2yr old boy) is such a picky eater . He loves to snack but when it comes to dinner he’ll only eat fries , Sandwiches, spaghetti and chicken(sometimes) 😵💫. When does the pickiness stop 🤦🏽♀️?
I'm trying to get my baby to ear more foods, the foods that she'll definitely eat are pasta any kinds of pasta and bread. But I want her to eat other different foods she'll eat salads once in a while. Does any other mom have this?? How can I have her try more and other kinds of food?
Regardless I want to make his food. Not sure I wanna do BLW as I work and won’t have control like I want over it when I’m away. To me the baby food maker I know is specifically for the baby and isn’t gonna be used like another blender in the house for multiple things. But then again it’s another “thing” taking up sp...
Hey guys so my 15 month old has had a tough weekend with not eating anything. He is drinking water, juice and milk but not eating food . He is getting over a cough from the weekend but not feverish. Keeps picking at his mouth a lot so I don’t know what it can be besides teething? I am taking him to the doctor if he ...
Is anyone actually already using the “4+ month safe” weaning stuff? Such as the cow & gate porridge powder or the pouches of purred veggies? My LO is 4 months today and we have exhausted all options to reduce reflux. Drs can’t do anymore and health visitor said introducing foods can help. Although I’m a massive...
My toddler constantly throws his food off of his tray. How do I stop this behavior? I have tried telling him food stays on. I’ve told him no and stopped his hand when he tries to throw. I’ve taken him out when he throws and waited for a few mins then put him back and repeat. None of that is effective. Ideas? We don’...
My 15 month old just refuses to eat eggs. Have tried every form, camouflaging it, mixing it..from slowly to less quantities..everything. But he just doesn’t eat it. Please help on how I can intriduce eggs to my baby.
What did your baby have for dinner tonight?? We had tuna mayo pasta.. I’d say he semi-enjoyed but most ended up on the floor 😂 Need some inspo for for the rest of this week pleaseeeee x
Hi everyone! So my baby is 12 months old. Since the start of her weaning journey, pretty much all her food has been really mashed up and we never did BLW. We’ve started to introduce different textures and I aim to move away from mashed up food a bit more because I just feel like I’ll be spoon feeding her or mashi...
For some reason my husband is against purées and giving baby any food in general. He seems to think our baby doesn’t need any of it and can survive off of only breast milk until she’s a year. I don’t understand why he isn’t supportive or purées and letting her try new things. I feel like he’s so against her learning...
I’m going to start my baby on baby rice and porridge but as a first time mum I don’t have a clue what to do! Does anyone have a good routine etc to do it in? Do I feed him first then do bottle after? And how often? And when I wean onto other food how do you do it? I’m so stuck please help!
So my little boy started nursery last week. This week has been his first full day week. I’ve been called in today to pick him up because he just wouldn’t eat or drink anything offered to him. When I got there I gave him his water bottle and he drank it straight away.. I’m so torn I go back to work next week. Has any...
hello I'm just wondering what do people make for their babies for meals around 6 months mark
Sorry I know this gets asked often but currently on 2 meals a day and really wanting to help my 9 month old go to 3 and start dropping milk (lead by her of course) She suffers with constipation so I always try to make sure she’s getting a load of veggies too (Tried feeding her what we have but her constipation gets ...
So, my partner and I have had a lot of stress the last few months regarding our sons eating. He won’t eat anything besides toast and yogurts. We’ve had an extremely bad day with him today, he wouldn’t eat breakfast, no lunch, no dinner and no supper. No snacks either. All he’s had today is 4x yogurts…. We were tryi...
i started my son on solids at 7 months he loved everything we gave him and would eat it all now he’s 9 months and completely doesn’t want anything anymore… no eggs no fruit no veggies literally nothing he spits it out or refuses to eat (and i don’t force him to eat it) anyone else go through this too…?
Mums, please can you share some snack ideas! I get so peckish but don’t know what to eat 😩
What’s everyone’s little ones safe Meal that you no they will eat? Just looking for a bit of inspo my little boy is ok at eating at the moment but has gone through the fussy stage varioussss of times!! My little one is pepperoni pasta with cheese cucumber and houmous and fruit
Hi ladies, Just wondering how many people still spoon feed ‘proper meals’ like curry, chilli etc? My 16 month old can use a spoon and will spoon himself yoghurt and eat finger foods but the only way we can get a substantial meal is by spoon feeding him. I panic about him not eating much if we just leave him to it.
my baby turned six months old on Sunday.. I wanted to give her some couscous.. recipes??TIA