Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Couscous idea

my baby turned six months old on Sunday.. I wanted to give her some couscous.. recipes??TIA


Sick toddler for 4 days; won’t take anything but milk and water

Please help me. My boy has been sick and is not able to take anything. I’ve fed him lemon and ginger tea with a syringe and he takes his warm milk with some chocolate mixed in. He woke up today very weak and barely able to walk. What food/feeding alternatives can I try to help him gain strength and boost his appetite?


What snacks are you giving your 2 year olds?

My toddler has always been happy with fruit pouches, yogurts, smoothie melts, but is suddenly refusing them and I’ve realised I need to step away from the baby snacks! What do you all offer as snacks? My LG is very fussy with fruit and veg, crisps, sandwiches. She’s having fruit smoothies instead but I’m stumped abo...


Toddler breakfast ideas? No egg

What is everyone feeling their toddlers? She’s allergic to eggs and does not like pancakes so I’m always at a loss!


How long do you give your little one to eat?

Some days my little girl eats really well and we can be finished a meal in 15 mins or so but other times she seems completely disinterested in eating and just wants to play with her food and make a mess. I feel like my partner gets very impatient/frustrated and wants to end her meal time within a few minutes of her ...


Refuses fruit and veggies

I can’t get my baby to eat any fruit or veggies. He will be one. He will stare at it not touch it. If he touches it it’s to fling it on the floor. He won’t even attempt to try it. He will pick up any protein or carb but not touch a fruit or veggies to even kno if they are gross. I started giving him those fruit an...



My baby is 8 months old , started weaning her at beginning of November when she was 6 months she loves the fruit pouches , loves porridge for breakfast, comes to dinner time she doesn’t like the (7months+) jars or pouches I give her nor the stuff I make her and chunky blend either. What do I do ? I didn’t have this ...


Food ideas for babies on purée!?

I’m weaning my baby boy at the moment. He’s seven months old. I’m doing pure raises because I’m basically too scared for baby lead weaning 🤣 any ideas for meals? I literally feel like I’m doing potato carrots sweet potato all blended at the moment and we just done a strawberry. I really need some ideas


Weaning questions

I apologise if my questions are stupid but I haven’t done much research as I’m sleep deprived and have a very high needs baby so any help is very appreciated. Water: do you give baby boiled tap water or can they have water from a filter? Food: it would be helpful if you share what was your baby’s first food Juice:...


dairy free blw meal ideas

my 7 month old is barely interested in eating but she loves wafers, melty sticks etc. so i’m wondering if it’s the “meals” i’m offering she’s not interested in however i feel like it’s so hard to think of ideas to make her as she’s allergic to milk the dietician has sent us some info and recipe ideas but haven’t ye...


How much food do your little ones actually eat?

I don’t know at what point I should start panicking (to be honest I already am) My LO barely eats. Breakfast is our most successful meal by far and I’m probably getting half of one Weetabix and half a mashed banana into her there. She picks at her lunch and picks at her dinner so it’s MINIMAL intake. She will eat ...


Banana & Raspberry Eggy Bread

He absolutely loved this one! One piece for him and one piece for me! Anyone got any other breakfast ideas that both me and my son can have together really enjoy having meal time together!💙xxx



Please help I need ideas for my 10 month old what are you guys feeding your littles !



I know your advised not to wean until 6 month, but my son is showing interest when i am eating. Is there anything i could start off with like purees or am i best off waiting another couple of months


How to increase baby's weight on solids (purees)

She takes 3 meals a day and 4 x 120mls bottles a day. But she's on the smaller side however following her centile. I would like to help increase her weight. Any tips please?


Does ur 18mo know how to feed themselves eat by themselves already?

Mine grabs the spoon but still can’t feed herself



Just a few of the lunches and dinner I’ve made for my little one recently! (7 nearly 8 months) if anyone has any recommendations on other meals I could make would be appreciated!


Meal ideas

please help me with some meal ideas as my baby keep refusing my food and puddings.



Got the okay from her doctor to start doing solids today and this girl going ham on the nasty ass peas. It smelt so bad omg 😭


Anyone else

My 8 month old only wants to eat off my plate at meal times otherwise he’s not interested in eating!


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