Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Rice cereal?

This is my second baby but first time attempting BLW. So our pediatrician said it's okay to offer our baby rice cereal, but I thought with BLW you can skip that and go straight to actual foods, cut appropriately. Which is the right approach or how did you start solids when doing BLW?


Cheap dinner ideas

I'm so tired of the same old same old. I am 28 weeks pregnant with a 1 year old, so low effort is preferred lol. I'm tired of the usual spaghetti, tacos, soups, ect


Solidssss ?!

My baby is 5 months old and is showing every sign in the book for being ready to start solids . Oh and he is cutting 2 TEETH at the top of his mouth 😭😭 what is the solids schedule ? Like how do I go about starting him on purées then solids ? I feel like my pediatrician never helps me to literally keep my child…


What baby food maker is the best ?

I want to make my baby’s food myself I just don’t know what steamer/blender is the best for that



Hello my nearly 10 month old loved his food ate every meal but past few days just keeps refusing food! Does anyone know what will help? Or will he just start eating when he's ready x


Porridge quantity

When you make your little one porridge what oat and milk quantities do you tend to use for a single serving? My little girl is now having porridge for breakfast most mornings, I just throw in a random quantity of oats and oat milk until I get the right consistency and then we share it. She’s suddenly dropped down to...


Lunch today

Lunch today for my 2 year old and 8 month old. Creamy tomato soup with some garlic bread. Quick and easy yet super comforting in this cold weather 🥰



I've just started weaning and just wanted to see what others are doing. Are you doing BLW, purees or mixed? If BLW, what kind of finger foods are good for baby to hold. I've tried banana and avocado but too slippery for baby to hold. If purées, are you making your own or using pouches? Also would be grateful if you ...


My baby doesn’t swallow food

I’ve noticed my daughter only swallows purées. If I give her things with texture for example toast, eggs, pasta she just keeps it in her mouth and only swallows if I follow it with water. Does anybody else’s baby do this?


Anyone else’s little ones not interested in food

My son was 6 months on the 3rd Jan and we started weaning. Doing a mix of bow and purées but he’s just not interested. Any whole food I give him he won’t even bring to his mouth (but everything else goes straight in, toys, muslins, his sisters hands🤦🏼‍♀️). I can just about get a few spoons of purée in but that’s…


Introducing food to 6 month old

To mothers who have had success in introducing solids to their babies, can you please share tips and tricks. I want my baby to enjoy food but I’m afraid I’m going to fail


Refusing solids

My almost 8 month old has been on pouches since 5 months. Currently he has half a pouch for breakfast, the other half for dinner and a full pouch for tea. We have offered him solid foods but he refuses to engage with them. I made spaghetti Bolognese cut up small for him and he kept choking and when I offered him mor...


Food portion

Can you share your babies food portion size? For example, how many tablespoons of porridge would you say you serve for breakfast


Reflux & CMPA food suggestions..?

anyone got any suggestions of what I can give to my son food wise or brands of food which are dairy free and won’t trigger reflux. His diet is limited as he can’t have purées as this triggers his reflux & most baby yougurt is not dairy free or has acidic fruit in it. Any suggestions appreciated 🫶🏽


Random food intolerance

My little boy was poorly last week with sickness and diarrhoea. I put it down to the flu he had so didn’t think anything of it. The only strange thing was he had a FULL day of food and the only thing that he was bringing up was blueberries. Fast forward to this morning and again woke up him covered in sick with only...


Teething and food refusal

Pretty sure my little guy is teething, though I can’t see anything yet. He’s been refusing all solid food the last few days when he normally eats everything. Literally has one spoonful then starts blowing raspberries at me and clamps his mouth shut. Also drinking bare minimum milk, we were down to 3 bottles anyway b...


Finger foods to small bits

Hello, My little boy turns 9 months tomorrow and we still give most food as large finger food sizes but I know on solid starts 9 months is when they suggest moving to little bits so they can use their pincer grip. He is able to pick up some smaller pieces but still mostly uses his fists. Just wondered when everyo...


Eating Out Options

I’m 11+ 3 and my husband and I left our home in LA since the air quality was so bad and I was worried for baby. I’m struggling with being displaced from my home since I’m super uncomfortable all the time and we don’t have a kitchen at hotel. I was being so good about cooking at home but obviously cannot right now. I...



We made homemade “subway” sweet onion chicken teriyaki sandwich but my little got a deconstructed one she don’t quite understand sandwiches yet lol


Feeding baby when travelling?

My baby is 10 months and he loves his food and is on 3 meals & formula. We are travelling for a week and I am just wondering what kinda meals I can be giving him? I don’t want to just be feeding him pouch food the whole time. He can obviously have fruits & some veggies boiled etc but when we are out and about what ...


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