Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
We’ve had a million talks with mom and it’s pointless. We’re honestly at a loss. Mom will let the 5 year old do her own make up and leave it until it stains her face, she will put color chalk and spray in her hair and not wash it out, and lately the new thing is mom using tattoo template ink all over the kids body. ...
It's just been one of those days honestly, nothing bad had happened but I just feel like pulling my hair out. I need a break. Baby is just constantly needing me for something, he keeps deliberately putting his toys under the sofa and then won't stop shouting "STUCK STUCK STUCK!" until I get it back for him. If I try...
My partner and I feel like we’re in the newborn trenches again! 😅🫣 My boy has just not been himself for a good month now. Fussy with food, cries at nappy change, cries if the wrong person picks him up, cries the second he wakes up, cries if I don’t do as he wants straight away….. How do we know if this is a phase…
We've wanted our LO for years, struggled and through ivf have our beautiful miracle. But we parents cannot agree on parenting styles. I don't want to hear this should have been discussed before as never thought we would have our miracle. I'm very much gentle but my husband isn't. Believes bribes I.e if you eat ...
I'm having a really tough time with my toddler. I had two breakdowns these last two days, first when he covered himself with poop when I was trying to change his nappy lots of shouting and ending in bath. Today we tried standing nappy change in the bathroom and gain ended up covering the bathroom with poop and both ...
Yesterday i wanted to tidy whilst my partner was at home as today i would of had to sort it whislt i had my 7mth old. He was watching the football which to be honest he doesnt always watch. But my LO kept coming into the kitchen and messing with stuff. So i said to remind him to watch the baby just whilst i sort the...
Baby gets hysterical and inconsolable during feeding, arching back, crying, and won't latch.. vicious cycle goes on for about 20 minutes until he eventually eats for about 5 minutes.. Help!!!
I wanted to spend valenties day with my girl friends since we already had it planned out last month & was going to spend time with my bf Saturday since we are both off, he was upset about it but last month he was okay with me going & now he wants to go out on Friday I said okay then he says nvm because we both work ...
The women blessed with husbands that can build things in your yard from scratch for you are the real winners 🥹
This is something I never thought I'd post because I've always been 'one and done'. But lately, I watch my son play with other children and instantly feel guilty he doesn't have a sibling. However, I had a HORRIFIC time after birth, I'm genuinely surprised I'm here to even write this message. My son's father (who I...
So whenever we are coming to visit grandma she’ll be waiting next to the door and as soon as I enter she’ll grab the baby from my hand without permission, I understand she’s excited but I hate it and my son doesn’t like it either he needs few minutes to observe the place or people. Today it happened again she was go...
I really want to clean the drum and rubber seal of my washing machine as well as put it on a wash with some cleaning solution, could people please tell me how you deep clean your washing machine/what do you use? Thanks 😊
Or even an agency?
Friend of mine got a new bf, she’s been kinda flakey since, not messaging first or asking to meet up when I try it’s I’ll let you know then “forgets” I finally managed to get a date down I asked for shopping day but her daughter has a dance comp so I said oh I’ll come, get to see kids too. But then I a close family ...
Anyone else kinda regretting sending their little one to nursery? 😪 We started our 3 year old at the school nursery class of the primary school we want to send him to in January, he does the full 30 hours. Worth noting that we have a newborn too. He's such a homebird, any time we ask him what he wants it's always…
The secret was about my brother in law ( her brother) It was very disturbing and concerning. But here is the thing this new secret makes a connection with the secrets I already knew and it also makes a connection with other things i know. Putting everything together is just very dark. I explained to her why my hus...
How do you cope when both baby and toddler require your attention at the same time? How do you pick which to sort out first?
Husband’s away for work and I’m in day 3 out of 4 solo parenting my 2 boys…this feels like an Olympic sport. Any tips on surviving? Besides pouring myself a full glass of wine 😅
My bd got mad at me bc I took our daughter out her crib when she’s wide awake and needed a diaper change and he gon say “ i thought we was crib training” like we’re crib training her and she’s doing fine up in there but I feel like if she’s wide awake and talking nd babbling she shouldn’t be up in there unless she’s...
Ik this isn’t the right group but I kinda need to vent before I end up calling him crying for him. My daughters father ended up cheating and finding someone else a few weeks ago and told me I either agreed with the polygamist relationship or don’t and told the new girl we weren’t and aren’t dating. Man oh man was th...