Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.


Friend of mine got a new bf, she’s been kinda flakey since, not messaging first or asking to meet up when I try it’s I’ll let you know then “forgets” I finally managed to get a date down I asked for shopping day but her daughter has a dance comp so I said oh I’ll come, get to see kids too. But then I a close family ...


Struggling to adapt to nursery

Anyone else kinda regretting sending their little one to nursery? 😪 We started our 3 year old at the school nursery class of the primary school we want to send him to in January, he does the full 30 hours. Worth noting that we have a newborn too. He's such a homebird, any time we ask him what he wants it's always…


While talking to my sister in law she brought up a family secret from her family that I thought she didn’t know. Once she realized i took the hint and knew what she was talking about, she felt comfortable sharing a secret with me.

The secret was about my brother in law ( her brother) It was very disturbing and concerning. But here is the thing this new secret makes a connection with the secrets I already knew and it also makes a connection with other things i know. Putting everything together is just very dark. I explained to her why my hus...


Wanted by both children

How do you cope when both baby and toddler require your attention at the same time? How do you pick which to sort out first?


Solo parenting a velcro toddler and a fussy 4 month old 😵

Husband’s away for work and I’m in day 3 out of 4 solo parenting my 2 boys…this feels like an Olympic sport. Any tips on surviving? Besides pouring myself a full glass of wine 😅


Need yur opinion im stressed

My bd got mad at me bc I took our daughter out her crib when she’s wide awake and needed a diaper change and he gon say “ i thought we was crib training” like we’re crib training her and she’s doing fine up in there but I feel like if she’s wide awake and talking nd babbling she shouldn’t be up in there unless she’s...


💔single…unusual vent

Ik this isn’t the right group but I kinda need to vent before I end up calling him crying for him. My daughters father ended up cheating and finding someone else a few weeks ago and told me I either agreed with the polygamist relationship or don’t and told the new girl we weren’t and aren’t dating. Man oh man was th...


Question for gentle/responsive parents

Before you read on, I just want to ask that if you are not someone using gentle/conscious/responsive parenting techniques, I'd rather you DO NOT comment. I'm not looking for opinions on what you think about this type of parenting. So, we are doing gentle/responsive parenting and happy with it. It's everything I wis...


Please no judgement seeking help

I have been a terrible partner and want to do better. My partner is going through a lot work problems, a mental health diagnosis and I know I haven’t been the most supportive. I’ve tried but idk how to help I never know what kind of mood I’m going to get if he’s going to be in a good mood or a bad mood, if I should ...



Is anyone on here consider themselves messy? How do i overcome it? Me and my partner are both quite messy (always have been) and mess around the house doesn’t bother any of us. I’ll pick up rubbish and put dishes in the dishwasher in the day but I can’t imagine hoovering or dusting daily. I’ve always been like this ...


Tell Me Something Positive Please

My husband has 10 kids. I’m pregnant with his 11th. I have 3 and this will be my 4th biological child. All of his kids are grown except 3.. one of the three is about to be 18 this year so he will just have 2 under 18. I only have 1 child under 18 right now and he’s 16. All of this to say.. I don’t think my husband...


Im the only one that speaks to my dad out of my 2 siblings and im so exhausted.

My dad was a shit dad. Not gonna sugar coat. He cheated on my mum for their whole marriage, was abusive verbally and sometimes physically towards us, and then he was estranged from us for years. We reconnected after a few years of no contact (both my choice), but my siblings do not talk to him and at the most will r...


Sorry I have a rant

Anybody else get extremely irritated when your family comes to town & you try to explain to them that your baby has been sleeping poorly & that they’re exhausted & just not in a good mood & they’re like “he will be fine.. he has to learn how to be around other people or he won’t know how to act”… like no if he’s not...


Do coddled babies get independent... Like ever?

Hi So my son is 21 months old. and people think I have coddled him like a lot. I don't let me do anything dangerous to him or anyone else.. but I am there at his beck and call. He wants to be held, he will be held. He doesn't ever play independently. I am always there at least in the room. I cook and clean only when...


Feeling frustrated! Can anyone else relate?

I have a breastfed baby and there are fewer times when my partner can help with her between his job and her wanting to eat. When he can watch her it seems like he always finds some way to give her back to me because he needs to do something he considers to be more time sensitive and more important. I wanna break/tim...


Toddler tantrums

I feel like I’m losing the plot.. my 2 year old has screaming tantrums and hits me which last on average an hour long.. the one before bed tonight was over the fact he didn’t want to put on a nappy.. I understand toddlers are trying to regulate their emotions but he’s unregulating mine.. I feel like I’m going to hav...


Hes doing it alone in the bedroom.

Ive been trying to show him affection for two days and he rejects me even now. The last time I did anything he was "sick" and kept joking I raped him. If I do stuff it's bad. If I don't its bad. I am losing my damn mind. I want to be loved. To feel attractive. I feel angry. I feel dead on the inside and losing touch...


Partner after birth

So I just had my little girl 11 days ago via emergency c section. My partner was amazing for the first few days waking up in the night to help me with feeds. Showering me with words of encouragement. Being helpful when It came to house work or any lifting I needed even helping me shower etc. but the last few days th...


Disconnected from husband

I feel so disconnected from my husband. We have a very needy baby (only contact naps and won’t play independently. Cries when put down or if you walk away), so it’s hard to get things done. Usually, one of us is doing chores/errands while the other cares for baby. Usually it’s me as baby is breast fed. He huffs and ...


Is it ever ok to disrespect your spouses family?

Hey ladies, My marraige is no walk in the park, but alas, we have made it through all the highs and lows gaining scars all the way. I feel like I've lost touch with reality and need a wake up call. My husband often brings up "the great men in my life," patronising, as these men (my dad, Brother in law, ex) are...


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