Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Products.
Heyyy ladies. I have MANY newborn diapers, formula, and clothes, that I’m looking to bless someone with. I stay in the University area.
Stuck between these two pushchairs, if you have either can you please comment whether you would recommend?
Help. Does anyone know the name of those baby carrier sling things please? The ones that go over the shoulder and the ads keep coming up on insta. My boy is huge! Chunky AND tall. He’s outgrown the normal baby carrier now and I need the name of these to search Vinted x
Am I just dumb or is it a trick question as to what the difference is between all in one car seat and a convertible car seat? I currently have a Britax infant car seat, but my boy is getting too big for it and people are saying that he is miserable on car rides because he’s growing out of the infant car seat so I’m ...
I am looking to change my everyday stroller to something lighter, my little one is 10moths and I was debating between a joie litetrax and silver cross clic. I wanted the clic originally but a few friends have raved about the Joie. Any recommendations?
Trying to get prepared for when I sort my hospital bag etc, what nappy brands does everyone recommend?? Thankyou!
what age did everyone start putting their babies in the trolleys with the seats in whilst shopping? my baby’s 8 months old and can sit up by himself but i’m so nervous to put him in them even though it would be so much easier lol
What strollers are people using that do not cost an arm and a leg? We have a Joie one that we used for holidays and now use in the UK but my little one just looks so uncomfortable in it. Ideas would be great
My bag is driving me mad I have a massive backpack with 50million pockets 😂 looking for something more simple with less pockets but pig enough to fit everything needed
The bugaboo butterfly or joolz aer for a travel pram???
My daughter is 9 months old and I’ve been using pampers all her life. However she’s got a big bum and big thighs but a small waist pampers aren’t fitting her anymore the size 3 is too small and the size 4 is too big can anyone recommend a brand for a baby with a similar build as she’s just constantly doing poonarmie...
What’s the best way to travel with a car seat. We’re off to Portugal and want to take our car seat, we are flying with Jet2 and not sure if it will be allowed to come on board as a carry-on
Hey , I’m due to travel with jet 2 soon and looking for a cabin approved stroller as don’t want the risk of not getting it back until baggage reclaim… Has anyone travelled with a silver cross jet 5? Or have any other recommendations? Thanks :)
Hi ladies, I am 19 weeks today and religiously using bio oil to combat and help with stretching skin. A mum told me today to use oil inside the exit, to help prepare mum for birth… I’ve never heard of anyone doing this? It makes sense to make your vagina more supple for birth but I’m still amazed and also what about...
We can't have the magnetic ones on the inside as there's nowhere for the latch to stick BUT we've recently had new cupboards and I really don't want them damaged so what is the best for doors drawers?
Does anyone have icandy peach 7? I’m trying to convert my stroller back to a carry cot, but I cannot take apart the frame bit. I know it came with a special key to undo it, but looking online it says you can use an Allen key. However when I put in the Allen key I don’t know how to pull apart the frame bit as it doe...
What is the best wipes to buy in bulk? I know water wipes are good but really expensive so was looking for a cheaper alternative for when my baby’s born
Just wondering what has worked for some people to get rid of cradle cap?
What are the pros and cons of the second option?
What travel pram (3 in 1) is the best recommended to get. I got kindercraft and it came damaged. I need to get another that is below £500. Help a mum please.