Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.


My ebf baby doesn’t seem to latch properly for the last 2 weeks, I keep hearing a clicking sound and I’ve tried every position and it seems to be the same. She is not pitting as much weight on as she was and she’s not sleeping well. Still having plenty of wet nappies and at least two poo nappies. She keeps spitting ...


Breastfeeding moms, can you relate?

Sometimes I wish I could be like "can you breastfeed for me so I can go and do this thing that has to get done but only I can do"? If only it were possible to switch bodies or something so I could get things done. For me it's cloth diaper laundry, cooking a dish that only I know how to make, etc.


Pumping questions

I’m EBF with a 5 week old, wanting to start pumping so that my husband can do some feeds/to take the pressure off me a bit. I’m just not at all sure how any of it works. How much (ml) would he need for a feed? How long does the milk keep for example if I was to bring a bottle with me out and about? Do I have t...


How to increase breast milk supply?

Any advice, it's really dropped the last couple of days as I've had to rely on bottles a little more due to a busy schedule. Just got an electric pump and it took 20 mins to get 30ml



Tips on producing more breast milk please


How to wean off breastfeeding

My son is 15 months and he has been breastfed since he was born along with formula. I need help in weaning off breast milk. It is getting crazy as my son keeps waking up 10 times a night even thought he uses the boobs less than 5 min. I need help in recommendations on how to stop breastfeeding. I know people will sa...


Milk before bed

What is everyone doing with milk before bed? Bottle in room and straight to sleep? Giving it to them half an hour before bed.. are you still using bottles or another cup?


Baby latching to bottle but not Taking

Anyone else had this trouble with their newborn and bottle feeding? He latches and suckles, but didn't actually take anything in and swallow. We've tried different positions, different nipple flows, different brands. Thing is, he was doing just fine at first. So I know he can do it, and he is definitely showing h...


Wanting to breastfeed

Hi all, I'm a FTM and currently 36+1. I'm finishing packing my hospital bag but am unsure whether I should pack any bottles in case I am unable to breastfeed successfully. Any recommendations or guidance would be greatly benefitted. TIA x


Trend - what bf did to my baby

Seeing this trend online ‘what 2/3/4 months breastfeeding did to my baby’ is giving me anxiety as someone who unfortunately doesn’t have milk to feed her baby and using formula. Does it mean that formula babies wont be as chubby as bf babies? Not sure why the tendency to ‘show off’ if bf or even if natural birth ...


How many syringes of colostrum do we need?

I’ve managed to fill up the 6 syringes my midwife gave me, but wondering if I should ask for more or if 6 will be enough and it will just be overkill?


Breastfeeding struggles

If you are someone who says you couldn't make enough milk, or didn't have any milk, what do you actually mean by this? Please choose the closest answer, or even leave the actual reason in comments. I know sometimes it's also friends or family being discouraging by saying that baby feeds too much or wouldn't it be ...


Do Pinderfields supply milk?

I’m hoping to breastfeed but wondering if I need to pack some pre-made bottles of milk in case that doesn’t go to plan or will Pinderfields have some for situations like mine?


How many mummas are going to try and breastfeed?

Even if you give up, whether you plan to try at all. You can or not give reasons in the comments.


Milk brand?

For those that started introducing whole milk to their babies what milk are you giving them? Is there a specific brand or something that’s best for them ?


How to stop breastfeeding

My son is 17 months and is still really reliant on breastfeeding. I am Desperate to stop but I don’t know how! He’s never had formula so we have never really used bottles that regularly, only with expressed breast milk and I don’t want to start pumping again. He wants boob at bedtime, overnight and in the morning. H...


colostrum harvesting

anyone else having this issue? my nipples leak so so much colostrum, but any time i’ve tried to express, manually or with a pump, my boobs just don’t want to work with me, and nothing comes out ):


Pumps per day

How many times do you pump per day, and is it enough or do you need to supplement? I've been pumping 8 times a day for the first month and just went down to 7 so I can sleep longer at night. So far my supply seems OK. 🤞


Exclusively pumping - how much are your babies feeding?

Little one is 14, nearly 15 weeks and I don’t feel like she eats enough daily. She averages between 600-700ml of breast milk in 24 hours and I try to feed more often but she doesn’t take it. Averaging between 20-25oz a day. She doesn’t sleep great and wakes every 2 hours for a feed or to resettle but yeah wanted to ...


How long are your bf sessions?

I have a 7 week old and I’m curious how long you breastfeed for each session. I tend to have him on one breast for 15-20 minutes and then the other side for 10-15 minutes but sometimes he will come off himself a lot sooner. I can’t wait until he gets efficient at drinking and it takes a lot less (if that ever happens).


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