Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Whingey baby

Ever since my baby turned 14 weeks it’s just whinge whinge all the time. There’s nothing wrong with her like hunger nappy whatever but 1-8 weeks just crying constantly, 8-14 weeks totally new baby so happy all the time and smiling then 14 weeks hit and back to the constant crying and moaning. It’s exhausting serious...


My little girl has been off with me

My three year old has been pretty off with me for the past 6 weeks since I arrived home from birth. I feel so bad as she’s been unwell with a cold on and off and I haven’t been able to comfort her.. also during my pregnancy I had bad HG was hospitalised a bit so my husband did the looking after, had emergency surger...



My 13 month old wakes up screaming (like blood curdling scream) every 5-45 minutes. Always has done. Cutting out dairy and eggs has helped but not totally fixed it, just means she's generally a bit easier to settle. I've been back and forth to the GP, hospital, paediatrician, no one is helping other than to suggest ...


Grumpy 7 month old

I’m at my wits ends. My baby is so grumpy. I’m sick of it. Nothing is really wrong, she’s just miserable. Constantly whining, fighting sleep and just generally being cranky. I feel like this has been going on for months and i’m starting getting concerned. Anyone else going through this?


2nd time more sad?

I am not sure if it’s because I already have a 3 year old or perhaps since this second child is a boy or maybe hormones, but I am so sad. He’s already so big! I feel like everyday just flies by too fast and I’m missing it all in a blink of an eye. I remember when my first was this small and now she’s a whole monkey!...


Urine Leakage

I am so desperate with controling my bladder after giving birth. I have been through a traumatic labour with induction, 19 hours of epidural, forceps… they tried to put catheter 4 times for me but it wasn’t working. it has been 3 weeks living with the leakage. Doctor only recommended Pelvic floor exercises. I do NHS...


Hair Loss 😢

What are we doing for PP hair loss? Does anything even work for it? Aahhhh it stresses me out even more of how MUCH is actually coming out of my head. I can’t even touch my hair anymore it just falls out and it’s everywhere in my house now. Ewww😭



I feel like a single mom in a relationship. I feel like my husband doesn’t understand what I’m going through emotionally. And doesn’t understand postpartum. He keeps suggesting I take medication. I feel like he has no empathy towards me and makes it seem like im a bad mom when I want a short break. I feel like he...


Anyone else?

I'm not sure if it's just me or what even my problem is but everytime hubby trys to ask me a question I get so irrational and angry. I wouldn't say violent cuz I don't hit or anything but they always turn into fights/angry screaming matches. I currently started some new meds for my depression and anxiety but have ha...


Shoulder Dystocia After Effects

My baby had shoulder dystocia at birth and now I’m having spine, pelvic, hip, pelvic joint, and nerve pain. Did anyone else go through this in this pregnancy or a previous one? If so, how did you heal? My spine feels like it’s been pummeled almost 8 weeks later. I’ve been to my OB, Primary, and an Orthopedic doctor ...


I need a big vent

- am I the asshole - my sister came to stay with me for a bit before.. moving to uni. - she didn't really contribute to much.... or at all in the house for the two months & even tried justifying not washing up? Taking the bins out by saying it was me and my toddlers stuff . Mind you I work , study , clean everyth...


Postpartum / epidural

I’m 4 days postpartum and had an epidural, is it normal to feel jolts or a shock like feeling in the spine ?


I fell asleep holding baby.

It’s our first day home… we literally left the hospital about 7 hours ago. My husband left to pick up my prescriptions, and I fell asleep on the couch with baby on my chest. She rolled to the side and onto the couch. I woke up right away but immediately bawled my eyes out. I feel like the worst mom ever already, and...


2nd degree tear

Anyone had experience with 2nd degree tead? How long you needed to heal? Can I start Kegels exercises? I am two weeks postpartum. Thanks all


Narcissistic parent.

How do you deal with it? Do you simply cut ties? Boundaries? I am so close to losing my shit with my mother and her attempts of emotional abuse. It isn’t a new thing, she raised us kids as a single mother, with help from her family, not that she’ll recognise or admit it. But in hindsight, she has always been narciss...



I’m seriously starting to consider checking myself into a psychiatric ward for a bit. I’m so mentally exhausted and keep regretting becoming a young mom. I’m only 20 and I keep thinking to myself “what have I done??” I keep feeling like I’ll never be anything but a mother ever again. I just wanna feel like my own pe...


Mom guilt

I just had my baby on the 18th very traumatic birth but I haven't been sleeping neither has hubby I asked his sister to watch baby so we can rest but now I'm sitting here crying feeling guilty for not being able to watch her


Big baby

So my baby boy is 15 weeks now and he weighs 8.9 kg (19.6 pounds) and he's on 98/99th percentile weight and height wise, 95th in head circumference. Currently wearing nappies size 4. Since birth he's gained weight like crazy, he never lost weight after birth and gained 1.5 kg in the first 2 weeks. I'm happy he's gro...


Rant needed

I need to just rant about this because I just don’t know how to feel about this. So one of my best friends come round on the weekend and she came to look at our nursery for our baby girl. Later that day my partner was on his Christmas party and bumped into my friend who then made a comment that ‘She had a bad feelin...


Upset all the time

Anyone else's LO just intolerable right now? Constantly crying and whining for no obvious reasons?


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