Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

How are you coping with crying?

My LG has just started leap 8 and along with this has come days full of tears and tantrums, refusing to eat, poor sleep (can’t see any sign of new teeth so don’t think it’s teething). She’s always been so easy and content that this is completely out of character from anything before this. This is the hardest stage I...



So my husband and I drove up with our baby to visit his parents as we won’t be spending time with them at Christmas. We get there and found out that my MIL forced my FIL to come to the Christmas meal but he didn’t want to as he is sick with a cold. We only found out once we were seated at the table which made me so ...



Hi, I am 9 months pp and still feel like I’m constantly overwhelmed, overstimulated, and ragey. I feel like I’m always in a bad mood and my husband has noticed and brought up his concerns about it. Is there anything I can do or take to help? I’ve read about the benefits of ashwagandha but I’m still breastfeeding and...


Crying spells

I’m 34 weeks pregnant and I have days where I just feel to cry, I’m definitely not depressed or anything but the littlest thing can make me cry and think about everythinggggg. Anyone feel the same/similar?


Anyone going through or has been through divorce/separation?

I just need someone to talk to that will understand…


No connection

I don’t feel connected or attached to this pregnancy. It’s my first and I know what I’m having but I was looking at my nursery and realised that I don’t feel like I’m having a baby and I feel like all the things we have are for someone else. A bit like imposter syndrome and to be honest I’ve felt this way when I’m b...


How is your baby's hair growth at 6 months?

I got her shaved at first week and so far her hair growth seems less even though it's been 6 months now. I'm considering maybe shave again for better growth? That's what I've heard, don't believe in it


A less good mum than I thought I was??

Oh guys, the guilt I am feeling. I’ve always thought I was a pretty good mum. I have a 2.5 y/o daughter and she and I have been peas in a pod since the beginning. I get her, we cooperate and communicate, and I go to a lot of effort to give her good experiences, to make her feel understood and respected and listened...


Lately I wish I wasn’t a mom so I could just kms

First off I know this is sounds dark but there’s no need to worry because I can’t do anything. I think of my child growing up without me and I just can’t. But I just want to die. I’m so tired. I hated my childhood. I hate every aspect of my life and sometimes myself. I have no friends anymore. I thought I made a goo...


Extremely Attached 2 year old

Hi mamas, wanted to ask you all if any of you ever have or are experiencing a very attached 2-year-old. My daughter is so attached to me from the moment she gets up from bed. I would hear Mama call out at least a hundred times during the morning. I can't go to the bathroom alone she will start screaming and crying...


you just enjoy the baby i had

i don’t know what’s in the air or what but people are getting wild with the “when are you having another?” lol please just pay attention to the one year old in front of you. and furthermore, are we not supposed to wait 2 years for the body to regenerate itself and come back to focus first?? let me walk properly and ...


Baby attachment

My little baby is 8 months and I struggle with attachment with him . Or maybe I don’t know what real attachment is for starters but I feel nothing. Sometimes I feel like hugging him etc but for the most part I feel bland just nothing. I know I love him but I just don’t feel like butterflies others feel . I feel awfu...


Crying uncontrollably

In the last month now It seems every week I have 1 or 2 crying episodes. With each episodes I did genuinely have reasons to cry or be upset but the problem is once I start crying the tears don’t seem to stop. I’ll be crying for hours. Tonight I’ve been crying at least 8 hours, obviously with breaks in between but I ...


Post partum sex

I waited my six weeks to have sex and my doctor cleared me to have sex. But I am super sore afterwards. Is this normal?


I need help, plans or ideas to avoid my MIL stealing Christmas joy.

So MIL is narcissistic, very self centered. And thinks she has some sort of claim of my 6 months old. For example after birth they visited and never asked how i was or how birth was. she just made it all about her being a grandma and the things she made him and couldn’t stop talking about it. Also other example is...


PP hair loss

Just posting to see if anyone is in a similar boat, 4 months pp and struggling with pp hair loss but I’ve noticed that since having my LG my hair becomes very knotty after I’ve washed it even though I give it a really good brush before washing it. Is anyone having the same problem or have any tips 🩷


I’m really curious

So I’m always seeing how people are always saying they have childhood trauma because of their parents and it’s like do yall ever stop and think about how difficult it is to raise a kid,let alone multiple children!? Kids will really test your patience and drive you insane and you’re mad because your parents are human...


Hormones after section vs vaginal

Having my second baby by elective section soon. I had my son vaginally 3 years ago. Although it was traumatic, I felt absolutely high on life from the endorphins, oxytocin etc from around 4 hours post birth and continued to feel amazing for several weeks. It was such a lovely bubble for us all. I’m curious for those...


Crying baby stressed

How do you stop yourself stressing when baby is crying. I work myself up so much and start panicking to find something to stop him crying as quickly as possible. Is this a normal motherly response or am I being over the top?


Feeling sad watching certain shows or films since having my baby.

Anyone else find they are more emotional when watching films or tv shows about kids and families? Since having my baby I’ve found I get upset more if a show has something sad about a family. I’ve just had a little cry watching a muppets Christmas carol when it spoke about tiny Tim dying. Is it weird that it upsets m...


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