The TWW (two-week wait, between ovulation and your next expected period) is infamous in TTC circles.
Somehow, you’re supposed to just keep calm and carry on with your life while you wait to see if you’re pregnant.
Well, we say that if you’ve made it to 13 days post ovulation, you deserve a medal for your patience.
(If you’re not there yet, here are some tips to get you through.)
So what can you expect as you await the dawn of your (pregnancy) information age?
We asked embryologist and fertility expert, Navya Muralidhar, to get you the answers you’re after at 13 DPO.
In this article: 📝
- What’s happening at 13 DPO?
- Is 13 days DPO too early to test?
- Can you have implantation at 13 DPO?
- What are 13 DPO symptoms?
What’s happening at 13 DPO?
13 DPO is 13 days post-ovulation (also known as 13 days past ovulation or 13 days after ovulation).
During ovulation is your most fertile window — the best time to have sex when you’re trying to conceive.
After that point, you count the days until your positive, so 1 DPO is the day after ovulation.
By the time you get to 13 days post-ovulation, it can feel like a bit of a gray area day.
You’re not sure if you should test.
You’re not sure if those are early pregnancy symptoms that you’re feeling.
And if they are, are they, really? Or are they PMS?
Well, they could be a bit of column A, they could be a little of column B.
Or even column C — your TTC head is whirring and you’re hyper-vigilant, looking into every single twinge or ache.
If you’re finding this whole trying-to-conceive thing stressful, you’re not alone.
Many women feel the same way — and if you need someone to talk to and share your experiences with, you’re always welcome to join the Peanut community.
Is 13 days DPO too early to test?
Maybe. Home pregnancy tests are about 99.9% accurate when used correctly — but the main part of using them correctly is getting the timing right. [1]
But 13 days post-ovulation might be a little too early to get the most accurate result — sometimes, it can take a few more days for your hCG levels to rise enough to be detected on a pregnancy test. [2]
That’s why around 90% of women test positive at 13 DPO and 10% don’t get their BFP till later — some moms-to-be can test positive as early as 8 DPO, many also don’t get their BFP until 15 DPO. [3]
Can I take a pregnancy test 13 days after ovulation?
You can take a 13 DPO pregnancy test — but you might not necessarily get an accurate result.
That’s because pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone called hCG that’s released when implantation happens.
hCG has to reach 25 mIU/mL or above for you to get a BFP (big fat positive).
At 13 DPO, even if you’re pregnant, your hCG levels may not be that high yet.
That means, if you get a 13 DPO BFN, it’s worth taking the test again, at a later time.
This is because in a successful pregnancy, your hCG levels continue to rise, making it more detectable in the days to come.
Whether you’re 13 days post IUI or 13 days post baby-making sex, the same rule applies.
Can you get a positive pregnancy test 13 DPO?
Yes, it is possible to get a 13 DPO positive pregnancy test.
It’s also possible to get a 13 DPO negative then a 14 DPO positive — it can take just a mere 24 hours for those pesky hCG levels to get to BFP heights.
But even if you do take a 13 DPO test, regardless of the result, it’s still best to take another test the day after your next expected period.
That’s because, while there’s still a good chance that your 13 DPO result is accurate, it’s not necessarily a sure thing.
But the day after your missed period, the accuracy of your pregnancy test will shoot up to 99.9%.
So that 13 DPO BFN might not actually be a negative.
Can you have implantation at 13 DPO?
Yes, it’s possible to have implantation symptoms at 13 DPO.
While implantation usually happens between 6 to 12 DPO, you can still be feeling the effects for a couple of days afterward.
So that little zygote might be implanting at 11 DPO and you could have 13 DPO implantation symptoms.
What are 13 DPO symptoms?
Now for the part that’s probably taking up all of your time right now — what are 13 DPO symptoms?
Well, early pregnancy symptoms are not always the ones you see in the movies.
Sure, the dramatic trips to the bathroom stall may be something you experience, but this is by no means where it starts and ends.
As it turns out, there’s a whole spectrum of 13 DPO symptoms — some ending in BFP, some not.
Many 13 DPO pregnancy symptoms are easily confused with your usual post-ovulation or PMS symptoms, so these are pretty muddy waters you’re wading through.
And at the same time, many women are at 13 DPO with no symptoms, but still get their BFP.
But if you are feeling a bit different, here are a few of the 13 DPO symptoms you might expect:
Symptom | Why it happens | PMS or pregnancy? |
Spotting (light bleeding) | Implantation can also cause 13 DPO spotting. Yep, also confusing because at this point your period is imminent. But there are ways to differentiate an implantation bleed from a period bleed, which should be lighter in color and shorter than menstrual bleeding, and shouldn’t contain clots. (If you’re experiencing any unusual heavy bleeding, it’s probably best to check in with your doctor.) | Both (particularly if you have a short luteal phase) |
Cramping | This one can be confusing — particularly if you’re used to having period cramps every month, thanks to prostaglandins and progesterone. If you’re pregnant, there’s a chance that you may experience implantation cramping at 13 DPO. This is basically your body’s response to a fertilized egg implanting itself into the lining of your uterus. [4] | Both |
Breast or nipple tenderness | Your breasts seem to know something that you don’t. They seem to be on high alert. Also, your nipples may have grown bigger and darker. If you’re looking for a hormone to blame, all eyes on progesterone. [5] | Both |
Fatigue | If you’re feeling more tired than normal, this fatigue could be a sign of early pregnancy as your body goes through major hormonal and physical changes, but it could just be your hormones raging before your period — thanks, progesterone. | Both |
Nausea | Right after implantation, hCG starts cranking up, which can bring on that classic queasiness (aka “morning sickness” — though, let’s be real, it can hit any time of day). High estrogen can join the party too, throwing your digestion off balance and adding to the nausea. | More likely pregnancy |
Headaches | Shifting estrogen and progesterone levels can bring on headaches, whether it’s PMS or early pregnancy. And if you are pregnant, rising hCG can crank things up a notch, making those headaches even more frequent. | Both |
Frequent urination | In early pregnancy, your body ramps up blood flow, putting your kidneys into overdrive—and hCG doesn’t help, irritating your bladder and sending you on endless bathroom trips. During PMS, needing to pee all the time is less common, but if you’re guzzling water to soothe cramps or headaches, it can still happen. [6] | More likely pregnancy |
Digestive issues (bloating, gas, constipation) | Progesterone has a knack for slowing down your digestive system, which can lead to that uncomfortable bloat. If you’re pregnant, those higher hormone levels stick around to keep the uterine lining cozy, making the bloating last longer. With PMS, progesterone also rises, but only for a short stint if you’re not pregnant. | Both |
Mood swings and irritability | Hormones love to mess with your serotonin levels, which can send your mood on a wild ride — from crying at dog commercials to snapping over nothing. PMS mood swings are pretty standard, but if you’re pregnant, those emotional ups and downs can feel even more intense and all over the place. [7] | Both |
Heightened sense of smell | In early pregnancy, hormonal changes can dial up your sense of smell, making everyday scents suddenly feel intense (and not always in a good way). PMS might boost your scent sensitivity a bit too, but not usually to the same level as pregnancy. | More likely pregnancy |
Mild pelvic or lower back pain | During PMS, prostaglandins get to work, causing your uterus to contract — and yep, that cramping can spread to your lower back, bringing that familiar ache along for the ride. | More likely PMS |
Insomnia or restlessness | PMS hormones can mess with your sleep, leaving you tossing and turning. Early pregnancy isn’t much better — hormone changes mixed with a busy mind can make drifting off feel nearly impossible. | Both |
Increased appetite or food cravings | You may be experiencing both cravings for and aversions to all sorts of foods. [8] | Both |

How do you feel at 13 DPO?
The TTC journey can feel lonely at times, but it helps to know there are other people who get it.
If you’re at 13 DPO, here are some experiences shared by our Peanut community, so you know you’re not alone:
- “BFP on 13 DPO! Am freaking out and can’t believe it!” — Rebecca
- “I tested 8 DPO at night (so basically 9 DPO) and it was stark white! I was surprised to see anything on this cheapie at only 12 DPO, and then 13 DPO, it was so dark!” — Candace
- “I’m 13 DPO, I started testing at 7 DPO, I got a faint positive, but now I’m getting implantation bleeding at 13 DPO I’m also having light cramps.” — Rony
- “I had posted my 10 DPO and 11 DPO, both negative. Did not post my 12 (negative), but I’ve just taken my 13 DPO test this morning — I’m so happy to see that ‘yes’ and the little plus sign!” — Vanessa
- “I’m 13 DPO and feeling discouraged. I feel pregnant, my basal temp has always been elevated, I have sore boobs and tingling nipples, nausea, headaches, heightened sense of smell, moody, and I feel like I did when I was pregnant before with my daughter 3 years ago. But I have a negative.” — Emily
- “I’m 13 DPO, and cramping and tightness have disappeared. It’s a struggle to keep up checking every day. The thing is, I usually don’t experience any cramping usually and that’s the only thing that I’m still really holding into.” — Kirsty
- “I’m 13 days post-IUI and all my tests are negative. I feel so sad, but at the same time, I feel pregnant. Nausea started last night and headaches, mild cramping.” — Jacqueline
- “I’m 13 DPO and for the last week my appetite in the morning has been out of control and I’ve been peeing so frequently. AF due in the next few days, so waiting to test!” — Chelsea
- “I’m only 13 DPO, symptoms are: breast tenderness, nipple sensitivity and soreness, cramps, headaches, mild exhaustion, slight nausea, veins showing up on my boobs and nipples, and frequent urination (has slowed down since 11 DPO).” — Jordan
- “I’m 13 DPO and I am feeling hopeful — I am trying not to test until a missed period (I don’t wanna see another negative test). I’ve had sore and swollen breasts since 9 DPO, and frequent urination the last 2 days. My BBT is still rising by a lot.” — Camren
- “13 DPO, I’m feeling very nauseous today and tired on top of other symptoms.” — Erin
So there is a wide range of 13 DPO symptoms (or lack of symptoms), all with different outcomes.
And when you wake up tomorrow morning, here’s your reading material: 14 DPO: Symptoms, Signs & What to Expect.
Good luck!