How to Take Care of Yourself During Pregnancy: 15 Expert Tips

How to Take Care of Yourself During Pregnancy: 15 Expert Tips

You’ve probably heard lots of people telling you to “take care of yourself” during your pregnancy so far.

And while it’s lovely that your nearest and dearest want to make sure you’re having a healthy and happy pregnancy, it might leave you wondering what you should really be doing to “take care” of yourself ‒ pregnancy self-care.

Your pregnancy symptoms might have you feeling a bit yuck, so some days of self-care during pregnancy might be as simple as having a hot shower.

Other days, when you’re feeling fine, well, the world’s your oyster.

So are there certain things, in particular, you should (or, yikes, shouldn’t) be doing to look after yourself during pregnancy?

In this article: 📝

  • How do I take care of my first 3 months of pregnancy?
  • How can I take care of myself during pregnancy?
  • What are the things to do and not to do during pregnancy?
  • What should I do during pregnancy to have a healthy baby?

How do I take care of my first 3 months of pregnancy?

If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant, congrats, mama!

But how can you look after yourself in the first trimester of pregnancy?

What are some early methods of pregnancy self-care?

1. Schedule a doctor’s appointment

Checking in with your doctor when you first find out you’re pregnant is a good place to start.

They may want to run some blood and urine tests, which can pick up things that might have you feeling a bit blergh, like low iron levels. [1]

Getting this info straight-up means you’ll be back to feeling better ASAP.

👩‍⚕️ Start prepping: What to Know About Your First Prenatal Visit

2. Eat well

No, you don’t have to “eat for 2”, but eating a good mix of veggies, fruits, carbs, grains, dairy, and protein has never been more important, as part of your pregnancy diet. [2]

But don’t be too hard on yourself if your pregnancy nausea has just got you snacking on dry crackers or chips for now.

Your time will come.

🍽️ Get food inspo: 8 Healthy Pregnancy Meals

3. Drink plenty of water

Your body is producing a whole load more blood these days, so drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day can help reduce dizziness and can even help with nausea. [3]

Yep, it might seem like you’re peeing every 5 minutes, but it’s important to keep hydrated.

🥤 Stay hydrated: How Much Water to Drink When Pregnant?

4. Journal your pregnancy

Writing down your thoughts and feelings, or keeping a photo journal of your growing bump and all those exciting baby purchases can be a great way to keep track of your pregnancy and celebrate the small things.

And it’s also a mindfulness practice ‒ it’s easy in pregnancy to just live ‘in the future’, but being present in the moment can be important for your mental health, too. [4]

Not sure what to write? How you’re feeling, any new symptoms (or repeat offenders), or even your favorite pregnancy affirmations or quotes.

🤰 Track your bump:All About Pregnancy Journals

5. Get some exercise

Exercise is often an excellent mood booster.

Pregnancy-safe exercises and workouts, like a brisk walk, pregnancy yoga, or relaxing swim a few times a week can help you stay fit and stave off pesky symptoms like leg cramps. [5]

As embryologist Navya Muralidhar explains, “It can help enhance your physical stamina, quality of sleep, and even help you prepare for labor and birth.”.

🏋️‍♀️ Get moving: Your Complete Guide to Pregnancy Workouts

How can I take care of myself during pregnancy?

What about later on in pregnancy?

Well, as you know, pregnancy is a time of massive change; to your body, your relationships, and really, your whole life.

Not to freak you out or anything!

So with the heady mix of emotional and physical turmoil you might be going through, here’s how to take care of yourself during pregnancy.

6. Catch some Zs

Naps aren’t just for babies!

There’s no shame in having a daytime snooze here and there when you need to. [6]

So if the opportunity comes knocking, why not?

💤 Get some rest: How to Sleep When Pregnant: Tips Throughout Pregnancy

7. Consider your employment and maternity leave

Planning ahead can help reduce your mental load, and planning your maternity leave and potential return to work now might ease a headache down the line. [7]

You can get familiar with your company’s policies; how long you can have off, what flexibility there is around your return to work, and any entitlements you may have whilst you’re away.

💼 Got a secret? When to Tell Work You’re Pregnant (and How)

8. Check in with your emotional wellbeing

Having honest conversations about how you’re feeling with your partner, family, friends, or with women on Peanut can help if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole situation.

And don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you can access it, and you think you might need it. [8]

🧘‍♀️ Peace of mind: Your Guide to Mental Health During Pregnancy & As A New Mum

9. Kegels

Ah yes, Kegels, otherwise known as pelvic floor exercises.

Just as important as any other exercise right now.

Pelvic floor dysfunction is fairly common as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, but you can give yourself a good foundation by doing these daily (if possible). [9]

⚔️ Your secret weapon: Your Complete Guide to Kegel Exercises

10. Pregnancy massage

If you’re feeling like you need pampering (uh, yes!) book a pregnancy massage for your second or third trimester for something to look forward to! [10]

💆‍♀️ Relax, mama: 8 Benefits of Prenatal Massage

11. Plan a babymoon

One last hoorah before baby makes an entrance.

The second trimester is usually the perfect time to take a babymoon, while you have the most energy and you should be safe to travel.

A relaxing beach break or country escape is surely what every mama-to-be deserves?!

It;’s so worthwhile — according to Navya: “Take some time off together, when it’s just the two of you, before the exciting times ahead.”.

🏖️ Time for a vacay? 29 Babymoon Destinations & Travel Tips from Mamas of Peanut

What are the things to do and not to do during pregnancy?

Are there any hard and fast rules around taking care of yourself during pregnancy that we should all know about?


  • Visit your dentist: Pregnant women can be at particular risk of gum problems, so now is not the time to be skimping on your oral hygiene. [11]
  • Limit your caffeine intake to 200mg per day: About 1 strong coffee. Remember there’s caffeine in certain sodas, teas, and chocolate, too. [12]
  • Use sunscreen: Your skin is particularly sensitive these days. [13]
  • Avoid environmental dangers: Like regular exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, and radiation. This might be really applicable if you usually work around these materials.
  • Color your hair: (if you want to). Most salons will recommend waiting until the second trimester and you may want to consider a technique where the dye doesn’t come into contact with your entire scalp, like highlights or balayage. [14]
  • Be a little wary of your diet: “Wash all fruits and veggies before eating, keep artificial sweeteners in moderation, avoid more than 2-3 servings of seafood a week to avoid higher levels of mercury or any chance of food poisoning. Opt for safe seafood choices such as cod, salmon and shrimp.”, Navya suggests.


  • Don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs: No amount of these is considered safe during pregnancy. (We don’t mean prescribed medication here ‒ your doc is best to chat through that). [15,16,17]
  • Don’t clean up after your cat! Touching kitty litter and cat feces can put you at risk of toxoplasmosis. (And wear gloves while gardening, for the same reason!) [18]
  • Don’t use a sauna or hot tub: As it can cause overheating, which can be dangerous for you and baby. [19]
  • Don’t put your car seat belt across your baby bump: Tuck it under your bump instead. [20]

What should I do during pregnancy to have a healthy baby?

All of these pregnancy care ideas will help keep your baby safe, but are there any specific things you can do to help your little peanut get the best start in life?

Of course!

12. Prenatal vitamin

If you weren’t already, now’s the time to start taking a prenatal vitamin.

Choose one with folic acid and iron, as these are especially important for fetal development. [21]

💊 Get clued up: What Are the Best Prenatal Vitamins?

13. Foods to avoid

Sushi, deli meats, unpasteurized cheese, pâté… the list goes on.

Avoiding these foods will help you avoid dangerous bacteria that can potentially harm your baby.

🙅‍♀️ Keep off the list: 19 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

14. Check your meds

Make sure to run any new medications past your doctor for safety.

Some painkillers, antihistamines, and even natural remedies aren’t advised during pregnancy. [22]

15. Try a childbirth or baby first aid class

When you’re reaching the end of your pregnancy, it’s suddenly time to start thinking about birth and the small matter of looking after a tiny baby.

We’ve got you.

We regularly host live expert audio conversations where you can ask all of your burning questions.

Ultimately, you know how to take care of yourself during pregnancy best ‒ these are all just ideas and suggestions.

Give them a try, see what works, and if you have any favorites or any new ones to add to the list, why not share them with the other moms-to-be of Peanut?


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