No one enjoys feeling nauseous. 😖
That inability to concentrate on anything without your stomach churning…
Eyeing up where the nearest bathroom is ‘just in case’…
Maybe even canceling plans because of worries of actually being sick.
Basically, nausea is the pits. 🤢
But, have you ever considered that your queasy feelings could be linked to your cycle? 🤔
We’re here to share the lowdown on this annoying (but normal!) side effect, right from the experts.
In this article: 📝
- Is nausea during ovulation normal?
- How long does ovulation nausea usually last?
- How do you treat ovulation sickness?
- Does nausea after ovulation mean pregnancy?
Is nausea during ovulation normal?
First off, is this even a thing?
Turns out, yep — it certainly can be. [1]
Ovulation can stir up a whole bunch of different symptoms — in some women, it could make you more aroused, some may feel some cramping or pain, or some may feel super bloated.
And, sadly, some may feel queasy. 🤮
You may also feel queasy because of the ovulation pain you might be experiencing (also known as mittelschmerz). [1]
But, why would ovulation make you feel nauseous?
Well, it’s all due to the changes in your estrogen and progesterone levels. 📈
Estrogen has been rising since Day 1 of your new cycle, and continues to rise until Ovulation Day. [2]
All the while, progesterone is waiting in the background for its turn in the spotlight — its cue: as soon as ovulation day is over.
These changes can affect the nervous system, which can then cause high levels of histamine — resulting in nausea. 🤢 [3]
And, everyone reacts to these changes in hormones differently.
Some women find high estrogen levels can make them nauseous, while some find low levels cause their queasy feelings.
It all depends on you, and your individual menstrual cycle. 🩸
And, if you’re prone to some pangs of ovulation pain, this can also cause you to feel nauseous, too.

Is ovulation nausea normal?
Nausea isn’t the most common symptom you might experience around your ovulation (it’s typically more cramps, changes in cervical mucus, and increased arousal), but it’s certainly not unheard of either.
And, generally, any ovulation nausea experienced isn’t thought to be severe, and symptoms are generally manageable.
But, of course, nausea is also a very common symptom of early pregnancy.
So, it’s worth making sure you aren’t getting the two confused. 🤰
Ovulation typically happens midway through your cycle — so, if you had a 28-day cycle, it would typically happen around day 12-16.
But, sometimes, you could ovulate early, or sometimes late — which can often creep up on people who aren’t actively trying to get pregnant. 👀
How long does ovulation nausea usually last?
So, again, it’s really dependent on you.
But, generally, ovulation nausea can last anywhere from a few minutes, to a few days.
It typically clears off when you’ve finished ovulating, as your hormones begin their lunge towards your period. 🩸
How do you treat ovulation sickness?
There’s no real right way to treat ovulation nausea.
Our advice?
Treat it like you would treat nausea normally.
Here are a few handy ways that have worked for women in the past:
- 🧡 Ginger:
Ahhh, ginger…
The solution to many of life’s problems.
This handy little herb is great when you’re in a bind, especially to settle the stomach. [4]
It’s actually recommended to be used while pregnant when dealing with morning sickness. [5]
Brew it in a tea, or add it as flavoring to your food — whatever way you choose to ingest it, ginger will hopefully be able to calm down that queasy feeling. ♨️
- 🌶️ Diet
Steering clear from greasy or spicy foods, or foods that are particularly acidic, might be a good way to settle your stomach.
You’ll likely know in yourself which foods tend to set you off, so maybe try to be more conscious about your food choices around your ovulation period.
So, choosing ‘safer’ foods that aren’t as risky for your digestive system could keep those feelings of nausea at bay.
- 🌤️ Fresh air
Stepping outside into a new environment often does wonders for an unsettled stomach.
Try taking in some deep breaths in the outside air, and maybe even go for a light stroll to take your mind off things.
It can make a world of difference!
- 🎵 Distract yourself
Staying with the theme of keeping your mind off things, why not play a game to distract you?
Something not physically taxing, but maybe a card game, or even something as simple as I Spy, could keep your mind off any nausea.
Similarly, kicking back with a movie or listening to music may also do the trick. 🍿
- 🔥 Heat
If your nausea is caused by your ovulation pain, we say it’s time to curl up with a hot water bottle and take some pain killers.
Sometimes, ovulation pain can be more intense than you’d imagine.
So, be sure to look after yourself during this time. ❤️

Does nausea after ovulation mean pregnancy?
Some women who are in the early stages of pregnancy can experience nausea pretty soon after ovulation.
This is because a few days after implantation, the hCG levels in your body might just be high enough to start causing early pregnancy symptoms.
But, depending on how long or short your cycle is, these symptoms can also be easily mistaken with PMS, too.
It’s actually quite common for women to feel nausea as part of their normal PMS symptoms. [6]
So, although nausea can be a sign of pregnancy, it can also be a sign your period is about to make its entrance, too. 🩸
🔍 Get Clued Up: PMS or Pregnancy — How to Know? 🤔
So, to summarize, feeling sick during ovulation isn’t necessarily a sign you’re pregnant — it’s a natural by-product of your pesky hormones flying around at the midway point in the month.
Want to chat with others who have similar symptoms, too?
We’ve got a whole Community of women who’ve been through it all, just waiting for you to join the conversation. 🥜