Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.
Everything I read or hear is just new mums loving life. I go to baby groups and everyone seems to be pretty happy. If I’m honest as much as I absolutely love my baby to bits I also really hate the days they are so long and I’m just really fed up. I cry approximately 3 times each day and just don’t feel I’m loving it...
I’ve been really struggling with feeling lonely recently. My partner is so supportive and is always there for me. I’m 28 weeks pregnant. I’m not originally from Manchester but I’ve been here for 3 years now. I live about 3 and half hours away from my family. I don’t have many friends in Manchester, I find it reall...
I was able to finally get my baby daddy out my apartment and I can’t be happier than ever about it. The place feels weird now and it’s only gonna feel like that but I know that I did this for the better, even when he was here I was still the single mom I am now. I’m happy but I also feel weird, men are scary in so m...
Lately I've been so depressed...I feel so alone. I try to push through the days only to realize my days will be the same. I have no friends, barely any family. I work I come home and I know I should be grateful because there's people in worse situation than me. What can I do to shake this, sometimes I wish I wasn't ...
Because so often it's someone who NEEDS to hear the truth but when you're honest, they say you're being negative. Like okay girl, why even ask for help when you only want your own thoughts and opinions validated???
I swear I end up hating myself after …. When I finally have adult interaction I over share and then think damn I should’ve kept that to myself no one needs to know that kinda feeling it’s horrible I’ve lost myself in mother hood that I forgot how to talk to other adults
Hello.. I have been in Kenosha, WI for almost 8 years.. I have no mom friends or friends period. I have a baby girl who is 3.5 months which I love to death but I am LONELY 😔 I also had a friend that I was close with for a while until I got pregnant.. but she didn’t matter anyway because she would treat me like I…
I wanted to be different and go to a football game with some family and they told me they were leaving half time and I rode with them and they ended up staying the whole game I’m a hour away from home they had my talking across the field after the game and walking 2blocks to parking 😭😂 I’m hurting but in my head…
What do you tell yourself to help you heal it? (She loves my child but shows no interest in anything about me. Since childhood. I have to live with her today due to a difficult dv situation but I am miserable and can't afford my onw place)
My BF is a truck driver and often times he will be away for 2-3 weeks at a time then comes home for only two days. I moved to Texas (his home state) I don’t know anyone here nor have any family here. Being alone has been hard on me mentally and physically. If you have any suggestions on how to feel better about t...
Hey ladies, I’m new to this group! I’ve been struggling with depression since I had my son nearly 5 years ago.. some days are harder than others but would be nice to have others to talk to and give each other support and advice. I might start up a group chat on WhatsApp or Snapchat, let me know if your interested ❤️
Not a sympathy post but I have nobody. I’m a mum with 2 boys no one to speak to I’m so lonely. Honestly…I even drive and don’t do anything 😂 So if your in Tameside area and want to either go baby groups or stuff like that then just let me know. As my mum says I’m going to go insane if I don’t get out and socialise,…
How are you feeling ? Are you okay , what’s on your mind ?
I never realized that once you have a baby you feel so isolated and alone I have next to no friends I love my son whole heartedly I wouldn’t be fighting these demons if I didn’t have my son
I want more babies. My husband told me today for the sake of our marriage we shouldn’t have any more babies. 😭 I feel like I’m grieving a loss. Does anyone else feel like this? I feel so alone
I am a 30 years old mom of a 2 years old cute boy, who is silly 😜 I don't have friends and wish to make one here. Life is hard as a single parent. At times, I do wish I could have someone to talk to, to cry to, and it must be someone who really understands the pain. I do love being a mom
Has anyone else ever experienced this? I’m 26 weeks pregnant and it’s been weeks and weeks since anyone reached out to check how I’m getting on. No one ever asks how I am. They will however always ask how my firstborn is and undoubtedly will be very excited when baby is born. Just feels like no one cares about how I...
I’m the first out of my friendship group to have a baby. I can’t help but feel really hurt that my friends keep leaving me out all the time. We were never a friendship group that went out clubbing or heavily drinking and for context we are a small group of couples. However since me being pregnant all they want to ...
I can't believe how boring it is to go for a walk alone without company. Who feels with me?
Hey ladies how’s motherhood ?? Mines been Rocky personally I still feel I have posputarum depression. My partner been giving me a hard time , family , it’s been a very hard year for me that’s why you guys haven’t seen me . But I miss my supportive ladies .