Community Posts, Tips & Support on Mental Health

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Mental Health.

Parter left me !?

Partner recently left me and I’ve never felt lonelier , is anyone else going through the same thing ?


Fear of death

Does anyone else have a terrible fear of death? Whether it be losing loved ones of dying yourself and missing out? My anxiety about it is crippling. I cannot, for the life of me, seem to shake it. I guess it’s fear of the unknown and lack of control. All I know is, it’s taking the enjoyment out of life for me and I’...


When you feel the lowest of the lows.. what do you do?

Any suggestions on what to do to take my mind off things ? Broke up with the baby’s father , baby’s teething, sleep regression, my whole family have blocked me and I have 0 friends . Feel like the world is on top of my shoulder today.


Feeling lonely and fed up?

Anyone else honestly at the end of the road now with pregnancy, I feel so guilty saying this and I didn’t expect to feel this way but I’ve been off work for almost 4 weeks now and the days are so long and lonely just waiting. I feel like the past week has been the worst as I was 40 weeks this week. I just sit aroun...


While being single and pregnant what are ways you comfort yourself?

I’m towards the end and I get so sad sometimes. It would be so much easier to just have someone hold you sometimes and tell you everything is going to be okay. I guess my anxiety is going up.



Anyone else feel like a lot of the time that they dislike their spouse since having their baby or being pregnant?? Or is it just me?



I feel like I'm drowning , I'm tired of living like this .. my family needs more money ... I'm so sick of living at my mom's house .. we have 3 kids & I'm pregnant again .. I wanna just give up so bad but I know I can't 😔😭


Losing friends

Anyone else feel like after they gave birth their friends are no longer around as much, even inviting you to places? First time mom here and I’ve definitely been feeling so alone


Mental health

I'm really struggling with mental health, everything is getting too much and got so much to do. I don't feel like I'm getting good support, I've reached out to some many people and they aren't helping me😔 any advice?


Are you lonely? Or often feel lonely ?

I don't have a village , my partner barely helps and this week has been super super lonely and harder than usual💔 My one mum friend has her hands really full with her kids so I don't off load onto her even though she's the best when we talk , is anyone really lonely and finding stuff really hard ?


Who feels left out by the other mums while at the school gate waiting for it to open.

My son just started reception and I can see some groups forming. I can sense the bitchyness and the eye rolls when I walk in. One mum even walked straight passed me and said hi to everyone except me. Why is this even a thing. Why do I feel like I'm back in school. It's making my anxiety go through the roof. Today so...


Negativity everywhere

Is it just me feeling this way?! Netflix: tons of shows about children ruining everything in life Friends with kids: telling you to "enjoy your life until you can" Social media: bombarding with how you won't have money for yourself and how you decided to ruin your life Memes. I know having kids is hard, but it'd a...


Anyone wanna talk on the phone

Being a stay at home mom is extremely lonely sometimes i don’t see or talk to another adult all day it just sucks to be alone all the time



Just a little question. How do you single mums cope looking after your little ones when you’re ill?


Screen time

Hi Ladies, I’ve been constantly feeling guilty about utilizing screen time (Ms. Rachel and Sesame Street) to keep my 11M old happy. It’s not on all day everyday but I do work from home and sometimes I just have to turn it on throughout the day. Any one else feel this way or can relate? Trying to make myself feel be...


What’s advice you’d give you 20 something year old self?

If you could go back what advice would you give yourself with your new found wisdom from your 30s?


Thinking off letting a friend go

This person was a really decent friend however as time went on I feel I had to chase her down to and do most of the reachingnout to get a response from her. I'm tired of always reaching out. I have 2 toddlers and work and I always make time to say hey to a friend. Like I understand going a week or evenb2 without s...


How are we all keeping ourselves occupied 39+?

I’ve literally organised everything for this baby coming and the house has been cleaned and re-cleaned 😂 I have met up with a lot of friends and gone on walks gone for coffee etc but I’m 39+3 now and as much as I’m bored I feel better not having any plans over my head.. What’s everyone doing to not obsess over the…


Self-esteem rn

I don’t fell cute but my husband is still coming onto me whenever he gets the chance lol Anyone else going through the same feelings?


Anyone Else feeling Down?

Is anybody else feeling down? I just feel ultra sad these days. I over think everything and I’m just emotionally spent and it’s only Tuesday. I’m back to work full time, back to college classes full time, and being a full time mom…I’m severely overwhelmed and I just would like to know I’m not alone… cause it feels l...


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