Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.
Hi!! Having my first FET transfer on Monday morning! Very excited and nervous!! Anyone else having a transfer this week? And if you’ve had one how long did it take to get a positive test because I know I will not last 2 weeks 😂
Is anyone else feeling nervous or panicky about sending their little one off to nursery after maternity leave is over? He’ll be 9 months by then☹️ I know I’m possibly overthinking but I’ve just heard so many horror stories about people sending their babies off to nursery☹️ and I hate the thought of him being upset ...
our children are a reflection of how we raise them
Hi, I’m mixed, white British & black Caribbean, light skin. I’ve always had an issue with my identity when it’s come to race as I’ve always been the “white one” - it’s clear im mixed, black features and curly hair but my skin is quite fair. My daughter however is very fair, blonde straight hair, blue eyes (her fathe...
This is totally random, but on the off chance thought I’d ask in case anyone else has experienced anything similar… I have my egg collection in roughly a week, but in the last week or so I’ve had two styes (infection in my eye), and have also had a pretty bad reaction to an insect bite (a patch on my leg about 25cm...
Anyone else feel like you don't want anyone to look after your baby as they're so young? My other half keeps wanting his mother to look after him, not because neither of us need to go somewhere or do anything. Simply just because. But I just don't want to do that! I would (reluctantly..I must admit) say she can have...
My son is 11 weeks. I was prepared to put effort into fostering a good relationship with him and family on both sides but didn't realise it would be this bad. I didn't realise how little people give a sh*t about the mum (and in many ways, the baby himself), as in don't even look at you anymore, like you were just a ...
Any of you not put the father on the birth certificate? How has that turned out for your situation. Are you happy about your choice?
Anyone else struggling to get KIT days arranged with their employer? I feel like I'm getting ignored 🙁 what can I do? I've email 3 times over the past month and had a phone call with my manager
Seems counter to evolution. Any thoughts?
Is it EVER acceptable (forgivable?) for a mother to finally give up and let the other parent have their child? Under what circumstances?
Does anyone feel like if it weren’t for your kids no one would check for you at all? As if without their existing your purpose would be completely dissolved and no one would need you at all?
Okay, so I have a two year old. We plan and throw her birthday parties, as most parents do for their children. My sister in law has a daughter, she's the second to youngest. My daughter's first birthday, my SILs daughter was 11. She ripped open my daughter's gifts. This last year, my daughter turned two. SILs daught...
They say it takes a village to raise a child and I think after 2 years I’ve realise I don’t have a village at all, other then my partner I don’t have anyone I’m really struggling atm with my sons behaviour and how he is in certain situations, which probably is down to his age and terrible 2’s but it’s made me thin...
Any ladies here on food stamps? I am not working, it’s the first time I would apply for it. If you put the father on the application with income, do they still go after the father for child support? I would think not but my children father had a friend and supposedly that happened to his friend but that doesn’t make...
Parents of a single child and parents of two children. What are your opinions on only having one/ having a second child? Currently have one 6 month old and we’ve conversed about having a second when the time is right but we also questioned whether just one child might be the answer. People always joke that “the firs...
First of all I was dying when they said this right in front of me because I was like damn , kids really don’t be giving a **** lmao but seriously though I feel for these kids who have to go through the process of their parents separating and the whole nine. I might’ve been taken a back a little when they said it but...
I’m just wondering how people approach trying to have a no visiting rule after birth, I’m booked for a planned c section and already have a 10 month old I’m worried about recovery while looking after my 10 month old but also wanting them to bond and get into a new family routine. On my first baby I had visitors fr...
Are we able to catch a flight after embryo transfer? It wouldn’t be straightaway, maybe after 4 days post transfer. What are your thoughts? I’m dying for a holiday & with it being my 6th round I’m just so fed up of putting my life on hold all the time and need something to keep me occupied during the two week wait...
I’m 30w + 2 and just wondering when would be the best time to start collecting? I’ve been leaking for a while now but over the last few days I’ve noticed I’m getting bigger patches of leakage and actually noticing droplets coming now… should I start collecting or is it too soon? I’m hoping to try and express however...