Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
Hope you are all doing well! I'm 10+5 and I've already had 4 scans due to bleeding (big gushes at some points!). Baby is doing so well and we're officially further than we've been in the last 7 years so taking the milestone as a win. I've been diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma, which research seems to show is...
My husband just gave me my nightly PÍO … im 5dp3dt. The injection was more in the center of my butt rather than upper outer quadrant. I am panicking. Anyone have this happen?!
In need of some help. Just got home to a letter saying I need to go for a colposcopy after my latest smear results. We are supposed to be starting our first round of IVF at the end of November. All my hope has just gone… anyone have any experience of this, and know how long you have to wait to start IVF after a col...
So I've just come off depo injection because of the whole lawsuit In America thing 😬 we were planning on TTC so it seems like the perfect timing I only had two shots total so was only on it 6 months I had a really long period out of no where 2 weeks ago that lasted 16 days! I was wondering if because I was on it…
Has anyone had successful IVF with AMH <1 pmol?
I’m having my IVF consultation soon where we’ll potentially be able to select when we start our IVF treatment. I’d really like to start January but looking at my predicted cycles I’m due to start my period and therefore treatment on New Year’s Day. Do they still work and carry out IVF over the festive period or will...
What coq10 has anyone taken for fertility? Some are so expensive and other seem too cheap so maybe aren't good enough. I know you should take the ubiquinol but brand wise I have no clue how to know which ones better.
Has anyone had successful IVF with AMH <1 pmol? So frustrated not to know the actual result but just been told less than 1?!
I have my first doctors appointment tomorrow after 6 months of ttc our second. I’ve decided to get help mainly because I’ve only ovulated twice in 6 months and I’ve heard with your second, any time over 6 months is classed as secondary infertility. Does anyone have any advice about talking to an nhs gp about this? ...
Hi. We have our nurse appointment on 30/10 to pick up our medication, and start the process next month. I love to do exercise, I normally do 3 times strength classes, 2 spinning classes, and one barre. I understood I need to be careful especially for when the ovarian are big, but can I still continue to do something...
I just got diagnosed with PCOS and I know people can still get pregnant with it however I was referred to a fertility clinic. Waiting on my next cycle to do further testing but any advice for me? I have been nervous about it and have been TTC for 11 months.
Success stories falling pregnant after being on the implant ?
I just found out Monday that the IUI treatment my husband and I just went through worked and I’m finally pregnant again! Then Wednesday I was told that my hcg levels and progesterone levels were concernedly low. Now I’m taking the supplements they prescribed and crossing my fingers… We have been praying for this swe...
I did an IVF FET, medicated cycle. I’m wondering if anyone else is in the same boat and if they are having any symptoms?
Please can you share what protocol you did for your FET with endo and had success? I am supposed to be doing HRT but am concerned taking estrogen with endo is a bad route to go down!
We did PGT A testing but was wondering if it is worth it. Did anyone ever implant an aneuploid embryo and it worked or know what the odds are that an aneuploid embryo can be successful? Thanks!
Hi all! We are hopefully starting ivf wi the TFP Oxford very soon. Please can you let me know how long the wait time was from starting and any good experiences with them?
I’m ready to start trying for baby 2, call me crazy haha but always dreamt of babies close in age. Problem is I have polycystic ovaries, however I have a healthy BMI and no insulin resistance, just the cysts on ovaries causing irregular cycles!! Baby 1 was a complete surprise bc of this. Was wondering if anyone has...
hi all. i’m just hoping for some shared experiences from people who have had disappointing results at egg collection and embryo development during ivf. this is my first cycle, and my response to stims has been unexpectedly poor. i only got four eggs (out of 9 follicles which grew pretty unevenly) and only two were s...
I am waiting for my FET. Because I had to have another procedure unrelated to IVF, my doctor gave me progesterone pessaries for a week to delay my period and start the FET cycle right after my procedure. The issue is, I stopped the pessaries a week ago, and no sign of my period whatsoever… I took the pessaries for ...