Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
Did you do a transfer with a tested or untested embryo? Did it work or not? Please just people 35 and under for their very first round. Feel free to leave a comment about your experience
After three years finally began my IVF journey through the NHS. Looking for any advice about the process. I’ve only just had my first initial appointment this week. Feeling excited but anxious at the same time! 🫠
Just learned that it could take up to 6 months to start IUI. I was hoping 2 months! All my blood tests are clear but they come from my doctor, not the clinic. It's the blood tests that seem to take so long. To be honest, I don't care if the clinic make money through new blood tests, I just want to fastrack everyth...
Just got my ivf consultation date, (private) 11/11 what are that chances of starting any thing this year?
I had my IUD placed several months ago and I have had nonstop yeast infections. Anyone else experience this? I can't help but think the 2 are related
We’ve got our IVF consultation coming up which we have had to pay for. I’m nervous because I’ve got a feeling the appointment is to fill in consent forms and work out costs. I really hope there’s more to it than that because we’ve had to pay £240 for the appointment and I’m not convinced it’s going to be anything o...
Anyone conceived yet ? This group/page has been very silent 🥲sending lots of baby dust to everyone 🤞🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️
Having our setup/testing appt next week finally for our first and hopefully only ivf round. Was originally planning on doing the genetic carrier testing pre-retrieval and we’re also doing pgt testing - did others do both or just embryo testing? I’m only hesitant because they say the carrier screening can take up to ...
Hey, what is everyone’s thoughts/experiences with using pre seed?
I just received notification that my IUI or IVF route is covered at 100 percent including scans/medication. I feel so blessed. 💕💕💕 Not blessed I have to go this route as I am 35 and have been trying for the first for a year, but blessed God has blessed me with great insurance. This means so much to me because I…
Ttc for a year, no luck. The doctor wanted me to do an hsg test to check for blocked ovaries, which at the time it was $1000 for an x-ray. I told him i couldn't afford it at the time. What else could we do in mealtime. So I was on clomid 50mg for a month, and it didn't work. I'm starting to feel that his suspeciousn...
When did your SECOND period arrive after egg retrieval? I had my withdrawal bleed 5 days after my egg retrieval and I'm now 4 days late with my period in the following cycle. I'm waiting on this period to plan for embryo transfer and I'm getting very impatient!
Does the flu jab affect fertility? I’m worrying about having mine as we’re going to TTC next month but I need my flu jab for health reasons but don’t want that affecting our chances 😩
hi all. i’m hoping for some advice from people who may have been in this position before, please? i’ve just had a failed ivf cycle (poor response to stims, uneven development of follicles, only 2 mature eggs collected, both fertilised, one transferred at day 3, other didn’t make it to day 5, day 3 embryo didn’t st...
I am considering doing an endometrial biopsy before my FET considering I only have 2 embryos frozen from 3 retrievals. I was wondering how soon after the biopsy can the transfer happen? I am eager to get going with a transfer but realize I would rather discard any implantation issues soon, but worried it will be an...
Hi! I am 7 weeks tomorrow. I’ve been doing IVF privately and all being well tomorrow we get handed over to the NHS. Do I need to ring my doctor and tell them? How do I register - do I just call the hospital I want to go to and say ‘hey I’m pregnant’ - as you can tell this is my first and I feel like I’ve done so muc...
Posting anonymously but has anyone ever gotten pregnant on the mirena IUD. I’m having some of the exact same symptoms of pregnancy that I had with my first and atp I’m honestly kind of scared
Hello, My partner and I are attending our consultation at St Mary’s next month and I was hoping somebody could help advise on their experience/what to expect next. We had our initial tests earlier this year, so we’re expecting to be told treatment recommendations/next steps, but I wondered what the timings are lik...
So I got my AMH back of .803! Is this too low to get pregnant naturally or with IUI? Does anyone know I'm 35 and trying for my first :(
I’m having my implant taken out next Wednesday and I’ve been on contraception consecutively for about 3 and a bit years… how long will it take for my body to go back to regularity so I can start trying to conceive?