Community Posts, Tips & Support on Fertility Treatments

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.

IVF timescale

Hi guys, I know this is probably a hard one to give a blanket answer to but typically how long does IVF take when you go private? Starting from the consultation? Also, if anyone has any input on how long funding takes (roughly) from the point in which your partner is diagnosed with MFI I’d be so grateful. ❤️



Does anyone have any experience with breeding? We have a soon to be 4 year old American Akita and my partner wants to start breeding him. I don’t know much about it but he said he’s struggling to find a breeder. Our dog is also starting to ‘leak’ if you know what I mean 😬 any suggestions on what we can do?


Private IVF & NHS

Hi, we were referred for IVF at UCLH Hospital in London last month. We’re dtill waiting to be triaged and we’ve been trying for almost 3 years and had 2 miscarriages. I've seen online that some couples have been able to get go through IVF privately once, but still qualify for the NHS treatment afterwards. How can I ...



How reliable is Flo data? Does anyone/has anyone just relied on flo to get pregnant?


Anti D injection

Has anyone else who has had the anti d injection had any side effects? It's the next day I'm feeling like I'm slowly catching an awful flu😭


failed first round, successful second round?

hi all. i’m just hoping to hear insights from anyone who went through a first round of ivf which failed but then went on to have a successful second round. i’ve just come out of a disastrous first round (poor response to stims, only one embryo, transferred at day 3, didn’t stick). i’m about to embark on round 2 and ...


Trying for number 2 when first was IVF

Is anyone in the same boat of starting trying for number 2 (naturally) for a while when your first was an IVF baby? I’m finding it harder than I expected this month and don’t feel like I can really talk to anyone about it other than my husband. Would be good to connect with someone in a similar situation.


Something there?

We’ve just been approved for NHS funding for 1 round of IVF and are waiting for news from Nurse Planning Team about when we can get started. I had bad cramps 2 days ago but no period yet so thought I would test on the off chance. I am around 12dpo and this was not from first wee of the day. Am I seeing something tha...


IVF and cyclogest

Anyone done IvF and on cyclogest pessaries? I’ve been told to stop them at end of week 8 (in a couple of days) but everywhere I read says longer. I asked my doctor to confirm and she just keeps saying end of week 8 but it feels too soon. Anyone else had this? X


IVF Abroad or in the UK?

Hey ladies, I'm looking into my 4th round of IVF/ ICSI. I was wondering whether anyone had treatment abroad and what your experiences were? I'm 39 and with super low AMH. I'm weighing up whether I should look into having treatment abroad or stick to a clinic in the UK.


IUI or IVF as a single mum

Wondering if anyone has any experience or has considered using IUI or IVF treatments as a single mum to have another child? I've got 2year old son who I have been the sole caregiver his entire life, his biological father left when I got pregnant and has never been involved either physically or financially. I really ...


Day 6 embryos

Hi, it seems like a recurrent theme in all my cycles that my embryos grow slowly, they take up to day 6 to reach blastocyst. Has anyone had any success stories or are taking any supplements to improve egg quality


IVF fears

I’m trying to not overthink things but it’s quite hard. We will be starting our first round of IVF soon and all I can think is what I’m scared of - I’m scared I’ll produce no eggs - I’m scared I’ll produce too many eggs and not be allowed a fresh transfer - I’m scared no eggs will fertilise - I’m scared no eggs wi...


IVF - advice

Hi! We are starting ivf in January. Any advice? Anything you’ve heard of that we could start doing now to help our chances? (Referred under male factor) Anything to help while going through it? Thanks from an excited but very nervous girl! Xx


Norethisterone for inducing a period

Has anyone taking norethisterone to induce a period before starting fertility treatments? Did it work? I've taken it for 5 days and now waiting for my period. This is the second day and still nothing. I'm worried it won't work and then I won't be able to try to conceive 😔


IVF clinics for low AMH... recommendation

I'm 39 and have low AMH. I've just completed my 3rd round of ICSI, and got the dreaded call this morning from the embryologist. Unfortunately out of the 4 eggs collected, 2 were mature but didn't fertilise. Hubby and I are devastated, but I don't want to give up. I'm in search of a clinic in London that specialises...


Thrush following FET

Has anyone had thrush after FET. It is only mild, I asked my clinic if I can use canister cream, they advised me to book appt with my GP and can not advise what is safe to take. Anyone in the UK knows getting a GP appt is impossible, to the point I have even taken myself to A&E before as I couldn't get one. I have ...



So my partner is saying that he isn’t ready to start trying again for another child. Our little girl is nearly 2. I suffer with conceiving as it took us 8 years to fall pregnant with our daughter due to my PCOS. I’m so scared that I’ll struggle again and it will take years. I really want another child and don’t want...


Anyone from QC here I have a question about fertility treatments..

So we were seen by Fertility specialist was quick appointment and I forgot to ask costs... I've heard the first time is free ? Is that so or are there some cost.. if so how much am I looking forward to having 😂 I asked at last appointment the secretary and was given a vague answer, she said that is some cost ok but…


Ivf medication

Hello I would appreciate a little help. So I have to come to the realisation that to have a baby I’m going to need IVF. I’m doing a lot of research, one question I have is I struggle to take tablets , literally unless chewing I can’t swallow never have been able to since a teenager. So with the medication for ...


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