Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
Hi, I’ve been trying for coming up to a year. I’m going to speak to my doctor and see if they can start investigating, but I’ve also been exploring places to go privately for an assessment of fertility. Does anyone have any experience of how long NHS process is? I’d rather save the money and do via NHS, but I don’t ...
Hi, I’ve been trying for coming up to a year. I’m going to speak to my doctor and see if they can start investigating, but I’ve also been exploring TFP fertility and Create fertility as places to go privately for an assessment of fertility. Does anyone have any experience of how long NHS process is in Oxford? Or any...
Is anyone going to have to give birth with hemroids? I thought mine would be gone by now but they aren't xxxx
Hi all, I’m about to start my first round of IVF. Do you have any hints, tips or watch outs?
Hi guys just wanted to know after the ivf clinic discharge you at 12 weeks, do they refer you to a hospital or do you have to self refer. Thanks
I've been married to my husband 7 years. We have a 2 year old, miracle IVF baby girl. I've always dreamed of having more kids, it took 7 years to get her with one miscarriage in 2020. He never really grieved as such over that baby. Anyway, we are both 30 and 31 and have some frozen embryos in the freezer BUT for 2 ...
i’m 21, due my 2nd baby 6th december and have a 2 year old, both children was caught on contraception very unexpectedly, i don’t want anymore children i’ve always wanted 2 and that’s it, do you think i could get sterilized? i don’t trust contraception due to past experiences. I’ve mentioned to get the snip to my par...
Just for fun, it’s nice to share the long two weeks with others on a similar journey 🤗 We have assisted fertility with our ACU. Ovulation induction with timed intercourse (not IUI). Trigger shot was administered yesterday so ovulation tonight (most likely) x
Hi, has anyone tried taking maca and thinks it helped with getting pregnant? If so, which one did you try, there’s so many different options! Thanks
Is anyone changing their mind about doing pgt testing on embryos due to the recent class action law suit against testing companies? We were planning to do it but now I’m not so sure - over 40 and this will be our first ivf round (never been pregnant so we thought testing would be worthwhile). Thoughts?
Hi mamas! So my husband will be getting his vasectomy reversed within the next few months. We have 2 beautiful boys already and my husband and I decided we really do want a third. We are still young (29) and he got his vasectomy less than 3 years ago so we are really praying the reversal works! I’d love to hear anyo...
Hi, I had my eggs out on sept11th, but couldn’t have the embryos back in till my next period after my September one (so end of oct) as they need to scan me cos of my thin womb lining My period now hasn’t arrived & I can’t get my embryos in till it does. I have been stressed & may have over done the gym & not eating...
We were lucky enough to have our LO through IVF, we have one embryo left that's currently frozen. I've been wanting to go for the transfer for over a year now. I know that time is pushing on, LO is getting older as am I. My husband said he does want another but doesn't feel ready yet, tho he said he wouldn't wake on...
hi all. after a failed first cycle (300iu ovaleap, poor response) my consultant has prescribed 450iu of meriofert for round two. i’ve also asked to try estrogen priming, and although he’s agreed to prescribe this, he says there is little evidence it works! does anyone have experience of either or both of these treat...
Can anyone recommend where I can get DHEA supplements from in the UK? ☺️
My husband is talking about having another baby. We already have a 5 year old. As much as I am excited, I'm worried about how my body will react after removing my IUD, and how long would it take for me to conceive. Has anyone had an iud removal
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has been through IVF to have a second child following successful IVF for first child? We are so fortunate it worked the first time (third transfer) but have no frozen embryos left, how did people find it the second time if you’ve gone down this route? The process, pregnancy and every...
Me and my fiancé have Been trying for almost two years now. I have a child from a previous relation. We had a chemical pregnancy in March of this year. Continued after and still nothing. I’m worried we’ll never have more. And my dream is to have a big family. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. What do I do. How do I go ab...
Ladies please talk to me about clomid, if you had clomid to get pregnant, what is clomid , how to take it, after how many cycle you felt pregnant, did anyone got pregnant with pcos after taken clomid? Etc etc please comment to help out
Hello! Has anyone had theirs and can share any experiences / side effects.