Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
About to a start our first cycle of ivf and will be doing ICSI - the number of eggs that fertilize and make it to blastocysts to go into PGT testing on average seems bleak 🫤 love to hear stories on how many eggs you started with and how many made it to blastocysts especially if over 40 (I’m 41) and how many were…
Hi could anyone share with me their ivf experience. I know I will not know exact dates abd everyone is different but just trying to get an idea for appointments as I'm going to be telling my work that I am starting ivf and I want to be able to give them as much info as I can. I have had 2 consultations with bloods...
I went through fertility treatments the conceive our daughter. We went through 2 rounds of failed IUIs and then IVF did the trick! I got pregnant at 40 and delivered in July at 41. I so want to have another baby to complete our family, but I know that time isn’t on my side. Are there any older moms who’ve had succes...
Hi all, I just had my third failed medicated IUI (blood test is meant to be Friday but I already have my period today). Before I next meet with the doctors I would like to be armed with as much knowledge as possible in case they try to argue for a fourth IUI before moving to IVF. I have mild endometriosis confirmed ...
Is this pos or neg? We have been using pullout and avoid fertility week method.
Hey, currently trying for my second baby. I already have a little boy and I would love to get pregnant with a little girl as this will be my last pregnancy. I know you cannot predict what sex you might have but I’ve heard of the shettles method and wanted to know if anyone has tried this and successfully had a baby ...
Hi! I’m about to go through my first IVF cycle. Anticipated egg retrieval in early November. I was just looking for somebody to talk to who is going through it too ❤️
Hi. We going to start ivf soon… or at least I hope so! Our nhs funding are been approved and they told us 7/9 weeks for our appointment for the first cycle. I have low AMH and I want to start to use some supplement to have the best chance on egg quality. I use pre conception vitamin, coq 10… but I read to use dhea (...
Anyone has real life experience on how egg quality was increased and any suggestions on what to do and what supplements to take. Out of 12 fertilized eggs retrieved during Ivf, only one made it through blastocyst. Doctor said the eggs were dark and small. Doctor is convinced egg quality is bad. I’m 32 and I feel ...
Hey, we were lucky enough to have a baby first time round via IVF and we are considering going for a second round to have baby number 2. Has anyone been in this position? I am just so worried because as we all know it’s so much money and not always guaranteed and I’m just worried I’m talking myself out of it? Just w...
My 4th transfer failed and I don't know what to do now ..there is one frozen embryo but it's weak doctor is suggesting not to transfer but I have read cases of weak embryo implanting and leading to healthy baby ..right now me and my spouse took break bcoz we both are mentally and physically drained ...since 3 days ...
Currently 10 weeks 2 days. I did 2 egg retrievals and 3 failed embryo transfers, did a monitored natural cycle while waiting for insurance to process my final IVF cycle and got pregnant. W/ prometrium( progesterone pills) I’ve made it this far. I’m terrified to stop in two weeks and the placenta not take over. Anyon...
Trying to conceive, 2nt month of trying... I got pregnant really quick with my first son (3 next month and never breastfed) but my periods are so irregular now, my current cycle is 43 days long (yet to come on) sometimes they range from 32/40 days. I'm loosing the will to live, as I failed to get pregnant this mont...
I’m about to finalise my payment for going through IVF privately… but I’m second-guessing myself constantly and wondering should we just “keep trying naturally” even though I know that won’t work! 🫣 Is it normal to have these doubts?! I really do want a baby, but I’m feeling so overwhelmed and terrified of the…
Hi everyone, I'm just starting IVF after 2.5 years of infertility, one loss, and now on an IVF journey. I was wondering if I should be taking any fertility supplements on the lead up to it? I've tried almost everything during my TTC journey but am just taking folic acid now. Any advice on this or anything else would...
Just found out I’m pregnant! Yay! We went through IVF. Any other IVF mamas here?
Has anyone gone through CNY fertility clinic? How was your experience and outcome? TIA!
Is anyone else not on blood clot injections after birth? My sister in law said everyone should be on them after birth but I’ve not been offered them and midwife hasn’t mentioned at any point. I’m 6 days post partum. Thanks!
I start my IVF journey tomorrow...first drug on the list is Synarel. Feeling anxious and overwhelmed seeing all these different meds..open to suggestions and advice. Thanks in advance ☺️
Can anyone who has tried Mira please give me some advice on any experiences with this!