Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
What do you think? I’m 11dpo. There’s definitely a line there so praying it’s BFP! 🤞 Update: got another faint line next day so bought a digital and it came back positive!!! Thanks for all your comments lovely ladies and baby dust to you all ✨
Mommies my LO is only 8 months and I got a positive test. Has anyone been pregnant this early pp, do I continue BF? Any advice 😭
Hey mommas. I found out last Friday that I’m pregnant with my second child, I’ve been stuck in my head ever since and the amount of pregnancy test I’ve taken is probably insane. According to the app I’ve tracked my periods on I’m only 6 weeks and I took an equate brand test today and the lines weren’t as bold as whe...
I've been testing positive since Tuesday and I plan to take a digital test tomorrow with a weeks indicator (I'm going to use it to show my husband) I'm only due on today/tomorrow so today would be 4w. What number should I be seeing on the clear blue weeks test? I'm 14dpo so as I understand it that would show 2-3weeks??
How many days after spotting can you receive a positive pregnancy test?
I've taken a pregnancy test (5) all positive and want advice😥 my baby is only 4 months old and I had a c section
Hi, very recently found out I’m pregnant and just wondering if people follow what the tests says or from your last period?
When you get a positive pregnancy test how far along are you usually ?
I got these one after eachother 7 days ago and negative since 😩 4 days until period is due now
6 days ago I got 2 test one after eachother with very faint lines, every one since has been negative am due my period in 3 days? I can’t stop testing because am like what was them lines! They also come up straight away so can’t see it being an evap line x
How soon after last HCG shot you got your positive test after FET
Hi so will be doing another test tomorrow morning but just wondering what everyone thinks. I have had some symptoms but they could also be pms as my cycles aren’t regular I have no clue if it’s just that or I am actually pregnant. This is a picture taken within 10 mins of taking the test.
I took an easy@home test yesterday with pretty diluted urine and saw the faintest line and honestly thought I was imagining it. But I also had a feeling maybe it was something based off of inverting the photo, and bought a FRER. I tested day 26, period due day 27(which is today), and it says I’m 3 weeks 5 days toda...
Is this an early positive or am I being too hopeful?
Does this mean early positive? Don’t want to be too hopeful.
I know I shouldn’t but I tested this morning and it’s negative. Am I out 😭. With my first I got my first faint positive 5 days after
I had my daughter in July last year. I’m late for my period but feel like I have period like symptoms. So I done a pregnancy test yesterday, the top one I done first, and the second one I done a few hours after ( I know I should have waited but I’m just really anxious🥺). What should I do, I’m going to buy another…
Very much negative and also had a drop in BBT but my period isn’t due for another week 😭
All taken today FMU then last one is later in the day. I brushed it off as an evap but 3 tests in coming up straight away is this an early positive?
I know my body. I can feel my period will come in 7 days' time. It will be hard as I dearly meant to fall pregnant. How do I cope?