Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

8 days post frozen embryo transfer. Am I pregnant or could it be a false positive?

Hello. I have all the symptoms of PMS. My period is due any day now. Could this be a false positive? Or could I be pregnant? Does anyone have similar experiences? I’m getting a blood test in two days.


Positive or no?

5dpo maybe it’s too early but I see a line on the left??


Can you see a line

Last Wednesday nite was dizzy then sick . Nothing since then . Just took a test and I think I see a line .could that have been a sign ?


How early did you take a pregnancy test?

I know it’s best to wait until you’ve missed a period but just curious, how soon did you get a positive pregnancy test if you tested early?


2 under 2

I’ve Tested positive again today, I currently have a 10 months old. Nervous but excited, any advice..🌝


Faint test with twin pregnancy?

Hey this might sound like the silliest question, but as a first time pregnancy I’m so lost on what’s normal and what isn’t! So I tested positive at the start of July, I was testing regularly for the first couple of weeks because I couldn’t believe it and had a few “dye stealers”, then had some cramping and bleeding ...


Faint line?!

Period due yesterday, photo taken within 5 minutes. Should i take a clear blue test?



All my test are negative and missed my period and my flow app says my period should start as of yesterday but it hasn’t


Testing early.

8DPO. Of course I started testing yesterday & I’m discouraged because I’ve tested negative. Someone tell me I’m not the only one who does this. Haha 😵‍💫


Has anyone else been told they were RH negative?

I’m almost 13 weeks and my doctor just called and told me I was RH negative but didn’t seem very concerned. Just said that if I were to notice any bleeding to immediately go in and get checked and I’d have to have a shot. Is this something I should be concerned about? Of course I hopped on google and freaked myself ...


Positive fFN Test/ Pre term labour test.

Anybody had one come back positive and know what it really means? I’m 34 weeks tomorrow, went in to be checked yesterday as I had some Braxton hicks, heavy mucus discharge and nausea so wanted to rule out labour. They checked me over and had no concerns until my pre-term labour swab came back positive. I stayed in...


All pregnancy tests are negative, except…

I did a clear view one just not and it came back positive. Which do I believe??


Faulty test?

I took all 3 this morning at the same time and this was the results? I’m thinking it was just a faulty test as I don’t want to get my hopes up again


Evap line or faint positive

Hey can you all help me tell if both are faint positive or if it’s a evap line please it’s a little early but I’ve been having cramps and w my last pregnancy(6yrs ago) I tested positive early so I thought to see if this was the case TYIA 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Ok so

I know you’re not supposed to take the test apart. But I got my negative and the test was done processing. I took it apart honestly idk why I just did. Can someone tell me what this “third” line is? I will add a photo of my negative, or what I believe is negative. Then there will be a photo of the casing off in comm...


Anyone tested negative then got a positive after a week?

4 days late, no sign of my period coming. I wouldn’t say I’ve been stressed lately and we haven’t actually been trying (also not avoiding conception though) I’m so confused as I’m normally always on time but every test is negative.


Why do I do this 🤦🏻‍♀️

Someone tell me why I just tested at 8DPO. Couldn’t help myself. I KNEW it would be negative 😅


Lighter line?

Hi! I’m 9dp5dt and I’ve had super positive tests since day 5, but looking at today’s test vs yesterday I feel like it’s a bit lighter and I’m panicking.Has anyone had this and was ok? Comments has the 8DPT pic and this is 9dpt


Does this look like a positive?

This was my third pee of the day, so I’m worried it’s not accurate.


Earliest positive

What’s the earliest you can get a faint positive? How many dpo? ☺️


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