Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Does this look like a positive test..

Help! Does this look like it’s positive.. ahhh


Pregnancy after c section

Hey ladies ! I’m honestly very stressed out. I’ll be 6 months post c section on the 7th August, and I’ve also had the implant fitted in my arm back in May ( nexplanon ). Today I did a digital test because it stopped my period and I wanted to make sure I’m not pregnant but it came up with “ Pregnant 1-2 “. I did two ...


False positive

Hi guys I’ve heard that easy at home pregnancy tests give false positive has anyone else experienced it ? Have taken 2 test one control line was half way so assumed was false positive took another this morning a faint line all the way through . Did another one no line at all ! I feel soo odd period did come last w...



Afternoon all, when did everyone test! I have really sore boobs and have blue veins on my nipple since Friday and has light cramping for about a week but no spotting! I feel like I’m pregnant but could be in my head I’m 12 DOP and tested regularly but been a solid negative even with a clear blue 6 day early one :(


Never had a test so dark at 5 weeks.

Was excited so wanted to share with you all


14 dpo, late for period but negative test.

My boobs have doubled in size the past week and I feel super nauseous and have had mild loose stools with a bit of back ache. According to the NHS I would be around 3 weeks pregnant now but nothing is showing on the test. Is this normal? I feel like I have an upset stomach, no vomitting but feeling very uneasy... So...


When did you start having sex again?

Been told to take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after my MC, but if I test after 2 weeks and it’s negative, no bleeding surely I’m okay to have sex again?


Early tests

I have the early tests which can detect up to 5 days before your missed period which is me today.. its negative and I had high hopes I could of been pregnant due to symptoms.. did anyone else get negatives with the early tests which turned out to be positives a few days later?!



I know clear blue is notorious for line bleeding I took this test yesterday and only checked it after 2 minutes and out it away, I just came back to it and there's like half a line.



Would you say this is positive? My period was due 2 days ago and I tested then and was negative, this is from this morning and the faint line on the left appeared within a minute


No period negative pregnancy test

My period was supposed to start 2 days ago and it hasn't shown up but pregnancy tests are saying negative. I'm confused, sad and crying😩


Delayed period

So I'm not delayed by much only 2 days but been experiencing symptoms sore boobs and back pain and cramping and i just feel different in my self been a bit sensitive but negative test how long do you wait for a positive if period is delayed and when can I get a blood test if need cos if I am I would be 4 weeks an...


Most likely negative now

Hey, I’m 11 after ovulation, had really sore and heavy boobs for three days and headaches and I generally thought I was pregnant, tested today with the clear blue 6 days early test and still negative :( would it be safe to say that sadly this time I have not conceived; losing hope now!


Is this dark enough to be positive?

I had a day 5 embryo transfer 6 days ago


Am.i pregnant or not ??

Had a faint line on all my strip tests , negative digital . Just done the ones shown in the photo . Clear blue negative, strip loos positive 🤣🤣


Late period

Hi guys starting to worry abit ans just looking for any advice/reassurance So my period is 5 days late ( I’m usually very regular) I’ve done 4 tests all negative and I’m constantly on and off spotting. We haven’t been trying to conceive so I don’t understand why I’m not getting my period Any ideas ?


Trying for baby number 2 👶🏻

So I had my implant out at the beginning of June in preparation for baby number 2. My period came on 25/06 and lasted 5 days. I ovulated around 11th July. Me and my husband have a VERY active sex life anyway, and have sex at least once a day / every other day. My next period was due 25th July (Thursday) but I have...



i havent had a period in several months due to pcos and endo. I have been feeling so bloated and decided to take a pregnancy test. The digital came out positive, is the other test showing positivr too? Has anyone experienced being pregnant without a period prior?



I feel like the line isn’t getting any darker. Had a positive digital two days ago saying I am 1-2 weeks but these tests seem so faint/not getting any darker? What do you all think? Top one was yesterday, bottom on was about half an hour ago😓


Pregnancy tests confusing

I took 3 pregnancy tests? ( the strip ones) amd they all had a faint line appear within the time frame. Just took a clear blue digital one amd ist negative. Are the digital ones less sensitive?xx


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