Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Still getting fainter lines at 16dpo

I’ve been testing positive since 9dpo. Bloodwork was 9hcg at 10dpo and 22 and 13dpo. My home tests are still fairly faint (or not really faint, just not super crazy dark like I’ve seen others have). This is my first pregnancy and I’m worried that the tests aren’t dye stealers. Anyone else have this? I have read that...


What are we counting these as?

Positive or not? I may have line eyes so not sure. Plus on BC so kinda curious


It doesn’t make sense!

Took a clear blue digital test yesterday afternoon, and got ‘Pregnant 1-2 weeks’! First day of my last period was the 7th July so this all seems super early and almost impossible, but I’ve taken 3 tests since and all positive, with really dark lines on the not digital ones. I’m so excited but just in a bit of dis...


Pls urgent advise needed. Mil insisting I do a pregnancy test this morning and tell her if positive

Hi ladies. My mil called and told me to do a pt test and let her know if its positive this morning, and this morning texted me asking of the result which I currently ignored. Me and my hubby found out we are already pregnant 2 weeks ago and our lo is only 4 months. We decided not to tell no one yet but she has been ...


Help - no period negative test.

I’m on cycle day 33. I’m usually 28/29. I’ve had all my period symptoms which are similar to when I was pregnant with my son but this time I’ve been having a lot more heavy nausea which I had one during pregnancy and hot flushes. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative, I’m not really sure what else t...


Can you get low hcg without ectopic ?

I had some bloods drawn at 3w4d (hcg = 4), 3w5d (hcg = 10) and 3w6d (hcg = 15) so hcg was super low but doubling. I had those tested really early because I was going away on a long trip, where getting blood tests would have been difficult due to being around family that don’t yet know I’m pregnant and location. Now...


Hoping this is real

Am I seeing it?


When did you get a positive?

I thought I had implantation bleeding as I was 3 days late. And then I spotted brown for 5 days. I have test since now been 5 days since and negative. Could I still have a chance of being pregnant? When did you get a positive after having that bleed


Is it there?

Is this positive? Pic taken around 3 mins after taking the test. Period due in 2 days!



So I’m not due on till the 1st of august I did this test yesterday is it normal to be so thick I thought it would be thin with another week and half till due on confused lol


Really early positive test?

I have taken a pregnancy test today, I’m only on day 15 of my cycle, usually 23/24/25 days. The test was positive, not even a faint line, really obvious dark line. Is this even possible? My last period was 7th - 11th July, had unprotected sex Monday 15th July. I have been trying to get pregnant the last 2 cycles, ...


Too early to have a positive test?

Hi all i’m 12 DPO and have had slight spotting in the night so tested and i’ve had this result? would you say it’s positive ? or too early


Digital strips

Before any one comes for me I know you shouldn’t open them up, but end of the day that don’t change the result. Can someone tell me what they mean because they are both HCG strips from clear blue digital test, but it came back as not pregnant despite having positive FR


Positive test a few hours later?

Hello, I am 9 dpo and I took a test this morning and waited 10 mins and nothing, a few hours later I had a look at it again and it showed a faint line? Is it possible that it’s positive or should I not trust a test after a few hours? 🙏🏼🤞🏻


Implantation Bleeding or Something else

We had sex while I was ovulating and I've convinced myself that it's unlikely I end up pregnant from just one time, as we've been careful the past 12 months.... im spotting today and my period is due in 6 days.... do I need to be preparing to have a positive pregnancy test? I had a momentary lapse in judgement when ...


Clear enough ?

I'm gonna take the one with the word to make sure. But is that clear enough to be an obvious positive test. I'm hopeful. My boy will be turning one in three weeks on August 6th. We're going on a cruise next week. So I when we get back I will confirm at a doctor. But I'm pretty sure since the last time I took a ...


7 months postpartum!

Hi everyone, I’m reaching out to see if anyone has been in my shoes currently . I’m still breast feeding and my periods have returned but my cycles are still off . Last Sunday I took an ovulation test and a pregnancy test and it was negative. NO LINES I had my period it was heavy at times and lasted my normal three...


Do Evap/ indent lines glow when inverted?

I’ve got mixed opinions on whether they glow when photos inverted so don’t know what to think?



I have irregular periods. I took 1 test Wednesday with a faint line and another on Friday with faint line. Please see. First photo is Wednesday and second in comments Friday. I’m concerned why it’s not too much darker? I’m not showing on clear blue early detection yet but showing on first response. Need some reassur...


Positive LH test

Hey was wondering once a positive LH test is confirmed when the best day is to try? The same night as the test or the day/night after? Thanks


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